Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — "By the People." [ARTICLE]
"By the People."
The following from tho morniug’s Adver(iser, is really worth reading: “Tho Qaecn’s organ has eome ont in favor of government ,l by ihe people and for (he people." Where does the ex-Qaeen eome in? ls sho tho people?” May we ask our philoaophieal oontemporary what it nnderstands by goremment by the people? Does that not mean a govornment representing the will of the peoplo and forraed so as to suit the majority' Wo think it does aud we believe, that, if tho PEOPLE decides to livo uudor a monarchohial form of governraont, that raonarchioal form of govornment will be a governmeut by the poople. If wo are to have a republic here, the Advetiiser will eomo out in the most eraphatio spread-e*gle langaage and prate about our being relieved from the “yoke of monarchy” aud of our . haviug uow a truly popular governmont—althongh the non-elect-ed President will hold his office for teu years withont the sanctiou of the j>eople aud be given, j through the fact that he has been able to corral the arms aad ammnuilion iu the country, more autocn»tic power than ever was 1 grauteil to anybody siuce thedays of the Karaehamehas—whatevcr form of governuent the PEOPLE chooses is government by the people eall it an Empire or a Alonarchv or a Republic. As to the question of the Adveriiarr, ' where does the Quoeu eome in” we shall refer the naiie raorning paj>er to our former issues in whieh we repeatedly have stated that the protests and opposition of the Royalists are not of or for the Queon as an individual, although, the principlo of monarchy is being useil as the eommon expression of the popnlar will. Hawaii demands the return to the constitutional government approved and supported by the people. previous to Mr. Stevens eoup d'etai; the retnrn thereb\’ of Queen Liiiuokalani to ihe tbrone is simply an incident in tbat
pnneiple and is certainly not the main point. and nobody has ever claimed it to be so. We »tiil believe in and wili agitate for govemment by the people of tke peojJ: and for O e peeple.