Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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13usiness C ards H. LOSE, Notarv I^uhlie. CoUector and General Bttsi)iess Agent. Paieniee of Losk’s Chimical CoMPor\D for Clarifying Cane Jnire. Suh-Agcnt for sevcral of the Best FIRE ISSURASCE CQ*. Malnal l'elephone ». P. O. Boj‘3SS. Sft rchnat «tre« t. H ’nolaln. iNTE!MSUNOPiLOTACE. Ca:t. WILUAM DAVIESS. — POR T1IE TWEf,VE VEAUS īn <»:d'imu1 a. Iu,<-r-N' .a ’ S:e i uers. offjrs hi-> '?rv.eI M LOT to axv port or lau liug in tiie Ilnw.iii'n 5s1a;uIs. r j s * R. s‘ >f references, t!iqnue at offi of -I. S Walkhu ot<t Si>oecke!'s he.nk. or Wr .;ht 1>:.os., Fort Str et. ft b I ; tf. City « Wleat Markct Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, EstablisbedJlS83. JOS. TINKER, fA(VULY I sUycH EF l Mniccr of the Cdehratcd Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Trv The.m. Meat Delivered to Anv Part of the Citv aud Saburbs. . Mutual Telephone Number 280. T.H,Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ST., Honolulu, : : H. 1. GENERAL and Commission $-*- -»-$ Merchants — AXD — SUGAR FACT0RS. AGFXTS FOR I.loy<ls :— Rritish and Foreign Manne Insuranee Companr, Limited. Xorthern As»nranoe Co, tire i life. Pioneer Line of PaekeU from Lfrerpool. 1awa;īan Line of PaekeU. eaiiiai Pacific Hailw ay Co. ***> Canaiian-Anstraliaa Stsams!iiii Co. Li vf,ri>ooi. Or> :cr.: The Alha: y, 01.i HaU St, I r> 10-^01 3RUG£ & A. J. CARTWRICHT Bnsines* of a Fidnciary X \turr Tr?nsacte<L i'rompt attention giren to tke tnanagement of E»tates, Ga*riian*bip». Trn»U. etc.. «e, ele. ’ Orf: CaAxrrirjKt Buildmg, Merchant Street. Honolain. GHAS. CIRDLER, Importer aiui Commlst:ioii Merchant. t SPEC1ALTIES: J. A P. CoaU' Maehine Thre*d Jooa* Brocks' Maehine Thread F*ri>.nF? Linen Thread Peaw' Sc«p P. O. Box Mats*l TcWphca« VĀ i II NmIi