Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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TH E p /\w/\F^DED, Aiiheuser-I3nsch J3i"ewiii£r Co. Wia the Prize the AVodcl*S "ith their EAOLK 3Brand I3eer. Mes5P.>. Macfaeeane ā: Doir Sir •«; —We hav? St Locts. O' t. *28, 1S03. Honolalu, H. I. \ou a copy of the Glob?~Iki Co., L‘d mailed you a copy of the Glob?-Democrat announcing the great victory wou by the Asheuseb-Bcsh Associa—tiox with their “EACiLE BrauJ of Beer. [Signed] ANHEl SEE-BUSH BEWING ASSOCIATIOX. n I * S5 1 h % 5= 5 ----- -i •e ir £ m R15H\HG lu orJcring this’Beer bcsuretoask for the “EAGLE ’ Brantl. iSEacfarlane & Co., Mar. 14- 2md. A[}cnts f<rr līav.\dian Dlands. AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. 8ept. 23, 1893. ter, 2.305, bv F.ke BnlL 7‘>; Datn, Grace, by Bnccaneer. 2.6.x>. Prompter .{ Apex, 2:2*i; Transjt, 2:20!: \Valker, 2;2.’> : ; Wales, 2:271; Chico, 2:24: Brilliantine, 2:17 an<i Vip>r, 2:28. “Crfole” is iet black, oue hiiul I Sire. Prompter, 2, is »lso the Sire of and of the Dams l>rilliantine, 2:17 ana Vicc white foot aml small stripe in face. \Veight, 1.0.70 ponnds; is. verv stylish, gentle, a pood prodncer flnd a pame race 1 orse, \\ ill staud for a Iimited nnmber of marc*s at FIFTY ()f.">0) DOI.I.AliS FOK THE SFASOK, payable nt t:u.e of service. Thy horse «as bred iu 1S92 to forty-six mares and produced forty-two co.ts. feb 17-Im 13 VI DAV1S. ORmVAY & PORTER. Rohinson Block, Hoki >7.. heiween Fort and Xunanu, Have Jr.st Lcct M cl. j• i 1 Aiiīm >, ilo t Mj.it! Slt tl cf EUH MIUEE Evcr lmpcrtcd to tl is Conntry. Comprisiug Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Ssts 1 11 S»olitl Oak. andof the LATESTDESIGXS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10N T 18 C.\LLED T0 ThESE SETS: WICKBH WARE, Beaut ful Des : pus of \\ icker Ware, cousist ng of SOFAS, CHA1ES, EOCKEES, etc., vou ean gct thesa in >ny voa tlesiro. OHAIRS, Conntless nurabers of CHAIES. in everv stvle, i:.cluding OIFICL and HIGH CHAIES. BSCT:EXTSXO:tT TABLES, Wo have had a number o{ calls for tbese rables. with CHAIRS raatch. We have now in stock the most BEAUTIFUL DINING RQOM FURNITURE EVEH SEEN HEEE Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers rrD3 VA iS - ■’K j Divans covercd with POETIEES are becoming quite the r tge in ! plaee of LOUNGES —we mannfacture tuem to orxler and buve a I Iaige stock of P0ET1EES to scl-ct from. BEErilTG*. | Great Assortment of WOVEN W IEE MATTEESSES Spring. H »ir, | Moss, Wool and Stmw Mattresses ou band and made to order. • UVE GEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for PiBotrs CRIBS, CRADLES, eto. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and s z >s. CORNICE POLES. in wood or br-ss tr.annings. X5 E X=.A. IBI1TC-. lttresses, LoQDges aod all L pbo!stered Furuitare repa.re,l at reasooable rktes. LBINET MAKINO. in all its branches. by Compeaent Wqrkmen. ATTING LA1D and Int rior Decoritirg u:ider the Snpervis;ou of r. GEORGE OĒDWAY. Ont Goods First C1 *ss. and onr pnces are t;:e lowc>t t eme d l)«^.'^ntinc«-I , —a brial is s>l»citeil. . Bell Ō36. T£LEPH0XE8 > 3Into«i 645 B&WaT * PO# t£B Hohiawo Btosk, betwe«i Fcrt »ad lauaau