Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CHEAP FURNITURE ! I YIITG F4T & Co, Ccrner of Eing and Betbel 8tt, Honolola, Offer a large assortment of fine and dfsirable _ FURMTURE, vbich tbey sell at a rery low figcre. Bedf.teads, Bureanh, Meat Safes,'Wardrobes > etc. f at prices to snit eveiybody. Call and inspect for yonrselve«. mar 12 VING FAT A CO. NAfl-yU-^Og|lA JUST.HECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kind of Colton Crape, latest Style of Shlrt8 in different qaalitle8.’ djreat A$ortment of porceIain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Cnrics snitable for Cbristmas Goods. 411 KING STKELT, Uonolula. T*lephonc«, TV11 474. P.O. Boi 3S6. Malual 544. nol3 Im Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTRALIA, auother Invoice of tbe celebrated JOHN WEILAND LAqiE| BEER. fAl.SO.lA Fbesh Ikvoice of NJA| OYSJ*t{S FOR°YsT EE l LS L. H. DEE, Proprictor. .Sans Snnci HŪTEL, WAIKIKI, UONOLOLU. r Firs{-C/ass Aeeommooations for Tourisis and Is!and Guests SUPERI0R BATHING FACHJTtES, Pr!/3te Cottages for FamifleS. T. k. SlMPSO!t. M«nag*?.