Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

H. MAY. & Co., Tea Dealers. Coffee Roasters AND Provision Mercliants 9S Fort Street, - Honolul® Families. Plantations anil Ships supplie<l with choicest Euwpean »(*. I men'ean (!wim'e.* C;»liforuia Prr><luce l>y Everv Ste-Ainer. X( )TICK Tho partuership heretofore existiug between Fretlerick Harrisou aml Arthur Hurrison. umler the firm name of Harrison Bros. as Contractors aml Builders, has beea.b3*rantual conseut dissolved, and all parties owing said firm are hereby notified that payment of tbe saine must be made to Frederick Harrison, who is authorized to settle said business witbiu thirty days from date. Fuedkkick H\nnisox, Abtjrb Habrisox. Honolulu, H. I., M irch ‘27th, 18'J4 mar 28 —Iw. LEWIS i C0. ftho!esale and Retail Grocers AXD provision di:aleks. FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Ever Bia Eninei» ' 8 eaaiei. Salt Saj,.mox ix Bvnr.E r .s A Sl EClALTY. iii Forl St., Houe.’u 'u. Tel. f 240, P. O. Box C. l\ AKANA lVJeī 1 c!jaqt īailoi 1 ! 324 Nuuann Street xVll Suits C>uaranteecl To Fit an 1 in the Late>t Style. t:lothes CIe me 1 and Rt-paired. noJ7 WANTED. abrightboy mcst have a hor*e to deliver newspapcn». \pply at the HOLOMUA OF FICE I!i »mas Block. Kug Street. tf. mm classes. D\X LYONS’ DAKCINO CLASs> willhe chtBged frota tbe Dkill Suei> 'u Akion Hall. whieh be h» rente»l for TCXSDAY, THrRSDAY mi SATURDAT ot eeeh week. Tbe S*tnrUy ela-» for Cnilir* n will m--et st ihe Ar.on H»ll »t 2 o’eioek S.«tonl*y afternooa. Apr.l 7tb. On Toesflay evening, At»ril 10tu, il 7 o’eloek, • cb«* wili be lorme.l for Men and On Tbnr»’ar aftemoon. »t 3 o’elook Apiil I2tb, ■ np-mīl clx4» wJl be form-Hi for Hiwiiui». Tue chvrse* for ■!! t!»y Pnpil* will be 2ō eeuu ■ te»s<in. Oo llj- bove il»» 'tr. Lvons c»n be «et\ »; t ’se H* l froa> 9 u. 12 A.»-2t,