Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Oiilin Raihvav k Laoil ('o. t:me tai3LE OM JSD 4FTER JOiI, lSt* fT i•. s«. *- TRAINS TO E’.VA SIILL. A Saturdays only. B Dailv. C Sund.iva excepted. D Saturdav-8 excepted. - j <Thc 5iolomua (talcmlar. A pi*il 1 894. Hu il Tn WTh Fr Sat Moon’s Ph«i>es 4 5 « 11 uj W 18 1!» ’3J 25 2S 27 14 21 28 1 2 S 8 910 15 16 17 22 £! 24 29 30 31 New Moon. March 7. First Qunrter, Mnrch 14. Fali Moon. Marcb 21. Last Quarter, March 29. APR1L 9. 1894. Foreign Vessels Expected. Am bk Ceylon R F Mnrch 10 j 0 S S Alanu-ila S F March 15 ; r ,\ s S Wnniw o. .Vanconrer.. Mnnh 23 OS8 Anstr»lia S F March 24 j Am M-hr S«lvnt .r. XS M lan 29 1 vii'»n D F >-ter . . ,X S \\ hel< 12 Am Mis».k M’rn’v;Str. Son»hSe.»s.M«r 8-15 Oer l>k J C (Jln.ie,.. l.iverp«v>l Apr 1-10 .Tni) stuir Aikokn M«ru. .Yokoham». Apr» Aiu l.k Amy Turner...Xcw Yorls.Jnly 1-10 Am echr 8tanforl .... X S \V .. Feb 20 Am »h Occiil«*ntnl ... D.-;.«rture B. Fel>j> Am •><-hr <’vm« Kins XS 'V Mar 1 < ;er bkt M. Hackfeld London .Tnne 15 to20 Foreign Mail Service. eiean’ahipn wiil leave for aml arr ve from San Frinciwv» and other forei(jn ports, on or nl>ont tho following dntee. till the close of 1S!'4. Australia Dec. 31 Vessels in Port. NAV*L VESSELS. r SS \.lnnis. Selson. I’ S S PhiWiolphia, l’> »rker. H I J M T*kactiiho, Xomara.Yokoh.Am». M£KCUANTMEN. l»r 1>V Xnntipre, X S \V. Am l>ct W O Irwm. \Villiams S F. Am s.-hr («eneva, X s \V. Am bkt W H Diiuor.<U Xeil.-en, 8. F. Am s. !ir A Allen. S« h«ce, EureV». v Am schr O M Ke!K'gg, Iv. r-.'n, («sr’s H. . ■ N ■ X ■’ Vork. Aui Mt-s stmr M niitiR 8t«r. (tari»ud. H.aw <shr Aloha, Dnbel. 8 F. frcm tbr Watrr-#rout ! * Dcpartures. Monday. Apr 9. Stmr Mikahal», (or Kaaai. Slmr Iwnlaui. for Kaiui Stmr Ka »U. (or W«im*n*lo «u l Waialn*. Am schr Aloh», for S-»ti Fr*aoiseo, Henrv C. Lyons. tho reptv’»ent* ativo of Mossrs, Baytnond and ■\Vhitcomb of Boston. took \vith him to the Volcano M«rch ?*‘Hh the follōwing party: Josep Z. Smalt/ and wifo, Miss Lizzu Smshz, Eiuiaoua Crocker aud wi(e, James L. Thompson. George de 1.» Vergne, G. W. Spmgue, Mrs, laaiah Shaw. Mrs. Seeley I. Shaw, Miss Elln Torbert, and Master Albert Lobenstein lt is safe to say «o previoas j>arty has ever hnd a more s«tibf»cti<ry trip or seen tho Volcano in a grc.,ter state of aclivity.