Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 82, 9 April 1894 Edition 02 — Marriage Bells. [ARTICLE]

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Marriage Bells.

Mrs. Bena Good wh ) has l>>ng and favorably been known to morabers of Honolulu society and Mr. Ke lburg were quict!y joined in iuarriHg> 1 st evening at a res dence iu this city. the Rev. H. H. Parker of Kawaiahao chnrch ofiiciating After t e oereraonv Mr an«l Mrs Keilbnrg heM a short receptiou u> give to many fri«.n.l>. who would not bo denied, tlie oppcrtunity ol p>re sonting their conyntulatims M any elegant j>re>ents were received by tlie bride. and the heartv g;>od wisbes whieh were showere«l on both, gives room to jn«1ge. that in this e se at least, raarriage will uot prove a failure. The happy pa r ialen l - o make a bridal tr ;> to the other islanis