Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company

i Apkil ō. 1393. The w<*rst cases of in«l:ges;ion eome from poor cooking as oft*-n as frora tiie «]naiity of the fo<*d. Tears «g»> when the diet of tbe nat.ves consisted principally of Poi and /. -«lyspepsia was an nnknown qnality among tuerr. fheir «ligestive orgms were not imp;tired bv the mam «lirfcrent i art cles of f,Mxl whieh contact with foreigners has broaght tc their no(ice. It is not th.it the f *od is not suited to the systems : >>f tne Hnw iiians that illuess follows ?ts adoption by t ! iera, bnt. : because they do not t «ke t!ie ; same care in cookmg. N’ow, that .Stoves. «nd goo«l ones too. are low in tbe price, there is no reason why everv native on the Islands shonI«l not have oue. We sell PANSY aml have had snch goo«l ; reports from part;es who have use«l them dnring tlie j):ist Ioih*’ years. Tiiis Stove bnrns either wood or eoal, ind are good bakers. W e l«ave tliem in varions s:zes, •md the pricc governe«l aeeonlingly. O J We also keop a large stock of crockery, caps mul saneers, Poi BowIs etc., either white or colored, wh ieh we orfer at reducfd prices. In fine China, we have what is considered by judges to bo tln best in the world. Our Haviland Ware is used in all the best f iuiilies, becanse it is just as cheaji as plain whiteChinu. This articlo is so!d in sets or single pieces: if you do not feel that yoncan arfbrd a full set at one tirae bcg.u by pnrchasing a half dozen j)lates ora enp md sincer, yon ean thon add to it fram tima to time nntil vour set is eomplele. If yon h ippen to broak auy of tbe j)ieces you ean always replace them from onr stock so that yonr set is always perfeet. The decoritious on tho “2196” pattern, are Carnation stnd and G >ld. and are such thnt tliey never become eommon. A good eompanion for the Havilan«l Ch:ua in any honse is the Fichor Steel Bange. It is a Iittle higher in jirica thau the Iron Stove.bat tbe s«ving in fuel sooa m «kos np tho il;rfsreaco. 010 advantigi in a steel range Auotberisin the fact that the oven ;s ready for baking 15 min- j ntes after the fire is strated. Are already m the range, and yoa have only muke eonneelion with your water pij>es and boile«l to have hot water for hiihin? or cooking pnrposes. Our rauges are ma«le of raaterial twice as tbick :is formerly, conseqnently, they will l.tst longer. Some of the readers of the Holomua nre interested in laod I and eonsequent!y, have to do more or less fencing. We have a very large stock of plaiu nnd barbed, black and g.-tlvanized wiro whieh we offer at the Iowest jirices. In conaection with oar wire, we sall the other materi ils, stays and!w;\sbers,for raaking the celebrated Jones Loekeil Fence whieh is acknow!edged by evsry one to be tbe best fence ever eonstracteU. If yoa contemj)late bnilding a fence and wish to sjivei raonoy nnd have a wira fencethat will not sag yoa e mnot do better than bay the stays, wire unJ j washers, ««nd have tho best fence , von ever saw. Un«lerst in«l one thing! We 1 hjve the Iargest stock of goods for the hoass, ranch aad pluntation to be foaad in the Islaads, and the prices are lower than any other store. If you waat gtnLn bose, sprinkiers, spades, shnvels rakcs, lawa—mowers cr »ny tbing else ased in the flower garden, we eau sell ihiun slioapar than a ay ouo Tks Hiniiu Hvinn Cs,, 3UĪ Fort Stroet.