Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 April 1894 Edition 02 — Irish Sarcasm. [ARTICLE]

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Irish Sarcasm.

A friec<l. who tik s mneh inter “-t ia HaTii : an 5rs has > ki.id’.v *«?ntth“ f »lloxr;n" rem irk> ofColJonoP l. ;s’; tnentt!i? stric tnres m id ? by one of tiie JF r id LTik"j ?teTc::s' fr*I!ow stnte’s :r.en. Tiie s j a=e is ea_sr of inter pret-it’on and :t cloes not reqaire one fi.lctl T-’t!) legil acnment>| di«corer t’ie point of argament Col. Irish snid: Mr. B?ate'I«», ofMiin’, his renlied to s*?cr-t irv Herbert. j t «kinp t-ne gronnd tii.«t tl«e Presi<lout s«8Co'nfī»a°der in-Chiefof ihe Armv ;«nd N vv. h «el no rig!«t t « d-l*-git* his d'cretion to :«nybo*ly. ;md theref»re liisordert> t ; ie N’ ivd Conim «ncler iu H >n >- lulu. bi ng ;t cleteg ;tioa of dis crotion. w «s i!l»*g «1. S>! Mr L iic >ia w.«s Conmi ler in- r liief > f the Ar ry an>1 N «vv. and nccorling to t*iis B-)ntelle ‘ doctriue. ke was g«iltv of the high crime and rais«lemeanor of ! «leleg.«ting t!«is »« 'tbority in tum to MeLellau -nd Gnnt, when he si«ould have clothe«l liisn«-ck w:ti« t «ttnder ae l li s belly with a br>ss belt and 1«'>1 tlie arnies ! anel |>ersnn W it»«ess liow one violntion of 1 w leads to auotlier McLeII>caf d Grmt, corraj»tly. ■ willfully, aud illeg«I;y. jm*cee«led to fi«vther nul «wfn‘iy «le!egat-« I ti«eir il icit iutl«oritv t<) «l;vers . a «1 snmlrv C >r s, D«vUiou, aml Biign1e C>*mmaiidrfrs. :m«l tliese wretched dep'*sit"i’S of unrighteons anthoritv passed the same on . i «l"wn to cert lin indictible s ib *r- ( clin ites, aiul Colonelsm tl eio :slv ordered t!ieir regiraeuts t > chnrge ( npon the eueiny wlien tliey j s!ion!J hava «L*ne the charging themselve9. N’"w. iiero wo are, nearly thirty yearsafter Appoin >tox, co njielle«l by Boutelle to the painfnl reflec 1 tion th.it the rebellion w >s iileg «I- i lv snpjiressed by t!»e pernic:ons i delegit!on of nntIiority that no | <>ne iiael a right t > exercise excej>t j the Pres:>lent }iimself. F«»r a m- d rn instanco.we have Ailmiml Einham, in llio Bay. firing nnlawfully at De Gama’s j sliij> wheu lie sli"iihi !iave cable«l Presi«lent Clevelaml to eomd *wn there an>l si«;ht the gnn j liimself. N>t only wis tlie Union il!eg illy rest<*red. bnt its snbs»qnent i>roceedings have boen as lawless as Chris Evans mul :*s crimin «l us a tael of smngg!ed opium.