Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 April 1894 Edition 02 — A Misrepresentation. [ARTICLE]

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A Misrepresentation.

The A’!rertis- r for the pnrpose of getting tlio Portngoese to ro- i gistvr ro|iorts ihe Portugnese t’linrpō d’afl';iirs, Senlior Sonza do C:inavrtrro 1 ns saying e'Hnin tlungs whieh he neither did say nor wouKl have said. Tlie charge d’atfair has not advised or eucouraged tbo Portnguese to take tlie oath prescrib»;d by the P. G.

Professor Alexi»oder, a govern ! uieut empKnee and who was form«rly au honomn* member of the cc 5 ebral«sl “Hale N.uia” (Houso tf Wisdotn) jocolarly ealleil the “15ull of Twine Society,” p ve a tonrist’s ta’k before the Secret L 1 !st eveu inp The sj>e.aker was rig!*t in (oeeh nith tho m;ssionan' spirit whieh nt prcseut is so noticeable amongst meiul»ers of the orgauiaation.

Thf jx)litical Jndd is not knowu to havo enrolled in any company dnring any of the revoIntions. In tho others he wns ' well beceatb the £orf»ce, bat, in this Iast he is well in advanco, . bat, roady to retreat! |, By Ihe way, what salary does ihe registrars of eleelion reooive ( por d«yt Aud why «re two whiioe ! j need*<l? The native registrar has ( a seeming sinecnre in act all ' < three bave a soft job. People’a ■ ’ money i J