Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 April 1894 Edition 02 — A LIE NAILED. [ARTICLE]

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The foIli,wing appearetl in last n‘glit’8 A \v<-ll-known Roynlist nsks tlie SlAr: t<i j rint tl;e fnllr>wing: "A meeting of a faction of the Koy«lists w.is helil at A. P. Peterson’s honso on Wednesd iy eveniug. Wnndenberg «nd Ash ford are makinp despernte efl["its to displace tlu* Hni Alolia Aina nnd pose ns llie real leaders of tlio Hawaiians. They want n innss ineeting of nat ves to listen to tliem nnd tho HolomUA gmg. rant on the subject of registraiion. etc. We learn that John rnmtnins. tho President of thc P itriot e Lo'ipne nnd liis leaders Bmdi N'wnhi Bickard nnd Mar<)iies and their nnn erous following will have notliing to do with tho ‘jn»nping jack p6liticians’ Tho T.eagne prefers to retain the dignified nnd dīscreet conrse they hnve kept np nnd the Hawaiians lmve no nse for Ihe Wnndeuberg Ashford chaineleons.” As John A Cnmmins, tho President of tlie Patriotic Lea<'iie’s P name apj>ears aniong the men calling tho mnss meeting. ns well as tlie name of Jas. K iulia. Secret irv of the said L’«gne, it is oasy to onderstand th.it the ainhi ti"iissore hend wlm nct as a traitor tofhe canse of Hawaii aiul as n “rai8’iiformer” to the Sfar, is nothing inore thnn un ordinarv (well known) every day Iiar. The Royalists liave only one canse, and tboy stand should*T t<> slioulder, and nro perfectlj* willing to dispense with tliose who aro patriots only-fora cousideration.