Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Ttfi /\yjf\ī{DEO, Anheuser*Busch Brewing Co. Wim the JPrize at the '\S r OI*ld , S l"air " ith their liiAOL JBrand Iieer. St Lolts Oct 28. 1893, Messbs. Mac?abl.v.ve Jc Co., Ld, Honoluln, H. I. Dear Sirs: —We bave maiIeU yon a copy rl the Globe~Democrat announcing tlie great victory won by the Anhecseb-Bcsh Associatiox with t!ieir ‘ EAOLE ’ Braud of Beer. ISignedl ANHEUSER-BCSH EEWINO ASSOCIATIOX. k iipiii §5 i * ■2 £ ’ 5 >r * N RBHfl* In ordering tbis Beer besuretousk for the “EAOLE’’ Bnmd. \lacfarlane & Co., ' Agents p>r IIav:aiian hlamh. Mar. 14- -2ind. AT THE CLŪB STABLES. “CREOLE” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Prompter, 2,.TOō, by Dl- c Bnl!. 7.‘>; Dnn. P.niee. by Bn«sc»necr. 2.»iōG Pr mp*er is «lso the Sire of Aj>es, C:2fi; Tnmsit, 256 1 ; W«lker 2:2.11; Wt»les, 2:2, '; Ch’.c ’, 2:24: and of tbe Dnms Dnlliautine, 2:17 and Vigor, 2;2S. “Creole‘’ is black, one hind white foot and small stripe in f-ce. \Veight. !,0-">0 ponnds; is very stylish, ~entie, a good prodnoer ><nd « pame race horse. Will stniiil for a limited nnmber of mnrea at FIFTV p.V)) DOLLAI’SFORT11ES1ASOK, p.y*b!e at time of service. This horse was bred iu 1892 to forty-sis mares aud produced forty-two co ts. feb 17-im U TI DAV1R. OKI>WAY & POKTER, Robinson llloek, Hotel St. f helween Fort and Xuuanu, Have Jvst r«n'\«d.|»i I pI< /nirt VŪe 1 : <sliUtl cf EUP» JvlllT.E Ever lroj oited to tl is Conntry, Coraj rising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom S:ts ]n Solitl andof the LA TESTDESIG.\ T S. ESP£C1AL ATTENT10N 18 CALLED t6 T lESE SETS: WICK.BR. WARB, Beaut fnl Des gns < f Wick> r Ware, consist ng of SOFAS, CHA1BS. KOCKEBS. etc.,v.m e.iu get thes3 in :ny FINI8H yo i desire CHAIRS, Coontless numbers of CHAIRS. in everv stvle, i>.c»nding 01 FICE and HIGH CHAIES. taeles, We bave had a uumber of calls for these T;,btes, with CHA1KS t match. We have now in stock the mnst BEAUTiFUL DINING R30NI FURNITURE EVER SEEN HEKE Sideboards and Chiffoniers jyDI VA D vans covered with P0RT1IT.S are becoming qnite tue rage in ))lnce of LOUNGES -vre mannfacture tī,e-n to order, and h.»ve a laige stock of POKTIEKS to sebct froai. BEDDI1TG-. Greit AssortmeBt ofWOVEN WIKE MATTRESSES—Spr : .ng. H ir. Moss. W<K)I and Straw Mattres<es ou hand and raade to order. UVE GEESE FEATHERS =.nd S1LK FLOSS for Pd ows. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. W1ND0W bHAD£S of all colors and siz s. CORnICE POLES, in wood or br ss tri-nraings. EEPAIBI1TG-. M*ttresses, Loung*s all Uj>holstered Furuitore repaired at r»aso’iabie r, tes. CABTNET MAKING. in «II its brancbes. by Compeaent Workmen. MATTING LA«D »nd lnt rior Decorato g amler tiie Saperv.s ou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. x . , 4 - Our Goods .ire F rst C1 <ss, aod «ur pnees are tie Iowest Lome and be c >nTinceLl —a tri«I is sbc ted. Beq 535. TELrrnoxFS- Mnt»ai 64o OBDWAY A PORT£R. Bubinson B:ock, bc.twet.n Fort and Noaanu