Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CHEA1 J FURNITURE I FAT & Ce» Coruer of Kicg *nd Betbel Sts., Honolnla, Offer a large ftssort-nent of fine and dtsirab!e furmture, ▼bich tbey sel1 at a very low figore. Be<lRtehds, Boreaus, Mes.t Safes, Wardrobes, etc., at prices to aait everybody. Call aud inspect for yoarselves. mar 12 VING FAT «t CO. Ng-VU^|l0^A JUST RECEIVED frcA JAPAN Several Kind of Cotton Crape, Latest Styfe of Shlrt8 in different qnahtles. of popeelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Cnrios snitable for Christmae Goods. 411 KING STBEET, Honoluln. T*ltpbonet, E«-ll 474. l’.O. Bot 386. Muiual 514. n»13 Im Criterion Saloon pfr australia; another Invoice of tbe celebrated JOHN WEILAND LE LAqi^ f Also,[a Fresh Invoice or °T s T El l 8 °T s T Ef l COCKf^(LS L. H. DEE. Proprictor. ,Sans Souci HST'EL J WAIKIKI, HONOLULU. i-First-Cl3ss Aeeommoaaiions for Tour/sts and !siand Guesfs SUPER10R BATH!NG FACIUT/ES. P*haU Cotiagee for Farr.HkS . T. A. SIMPSOK, lUot%er.