Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

niPORTEHS AND DEALEBS IX Oroceries, 3Provlsions AND Feed, EAST CORNER FORT A KING STS. New Goods Rec’d By evrn' Packet frora the Eastern States and Earope. Fresh CaIifornia Protlnce by even- steainer. A!1 onlers f.iithfully atteiu!eJ t>. «ml Go-h1s <le!ivenHl to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Isl:in 1 Or,lers Solicite*.I. S»it sfaction Gnar.»uteetl. Pots Oūlee Box N». 145, Telephone No. 92.

LANDS AT AUCTI0S. Bv virtue of ao ortler issne<l hy the Coort throuph the Chief Tustice. H-m. A. F. Jodd. in ret::ml to the Ca>o of WILLIAM WATSON et al. igiinst Dav:d W.»tson, tl»ero will ba s<>M at Puhlie Aneiion, at the Auction ltooms of J imes F. Morgan. at 12 o’eloek noon. on SATCRDAY A;>riī 28. 1894. All those premises situated at K meohe. Kooiaupoko, O.iha; aml more particulirly designated «s follows, to \vit: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot 2 4 21 “ Lot 3 37.90 “ Lot 4 7.33 “ AII are parts of Royal Patent 174 to Panl F. Mauini. Lot 5 20 aeres Lot 6 20 “ Lot 7 20 “ Lot 8 54 50 “ Lot 9 • 54 50 “ All are pirts of those premisea couveyed bv Kamehameha IV. to David Watsou, by deed dated Dec. 29, 1302, and reconled in Liber 10, p ges 127 and 128. Title perfect. D>*eds at the expenses of the Purohasers. For fnrther particulars aj>p!y to William C Achi, Attoruey for the Coma>«ssioner, or to S. M. KAAUKAL Commissionor. Honolali’ Feb. 23. 1801 He\hv Coxgdo.v. L. 11. Dee. Ciilifornia Wiue Co. J03EERS OF Wines, Spirits, & Beers. And in f dure t'ie bas : i>ess will be carr ed <>•> nnder the n<me and sty;e of *• C 'LIFORNI v WINE CO .” at 407 Fort.street. Mclneruy D oek. LiB0R BUEE.4D. THE AMERICAS LEAOUE Begs lc>ive to announee that it ii)is esbib ished an E nployment I3nre>u in c<»nnection wiih the Ameiiean Le:gtie We wil! be ;>leased t<> furnish you witli skil ed or unskilled labor w»thont my fee for the engiging »nch i)ibor. The ’abnr enrMled with us is >f tbe following nalion ilittes: Amenean, P.irtuguese, H iw.iiiaa, Gerraau, And other Earopean N <tionalities Begg’ng le»ve to open a corres(**>ndeuce with you oa this snl>ject, We rematn, Your obo<lieut serrants, The Amekicax Leaooe Empldy MEXT BlKKAC. A<ldresS all eomm inicitions to THEO. P. SEVERIN, Secret»ry. m«r 28-tf. P. O-Box 493. WlN(| WO CpJ\ll \ C0 V Xo. 23 Xnn <nn S:reet, H. oc4ata CoMf*iSSIO{< v fJjS ■pi2 \y Noi ieeDnrinj» u<t alM»nce from tuu Kiag ’om, my LE -I POl «£ t'.# Finu of Snn Vw Hop I.ang «1 W «uni*. OuL<i, *ba!l ae: fJt ee «ri:b f»U of Attom.-\. kwai ycex . u«f O*io. 5:'». ISU.

H. MAY, & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Hoasters AND Provision Mercliants 98 Fort Streef. - Honolalu Families, Pluntations and Ships supplied with choicest Euwpean &Amen’ean Grocerics California Pnxluce bv Every Ste 'rrer. NOTU'EThe partnership heretoforo existing bet\veen Frederick H »rrison aml Arthur Hurrison, umter the tirm nume of Hurrison Bros. us Coutructors nnd Buihlers, hus been.by motual cousent dissolvcd, and all parties owing said £nn nre hereby not.fied tliat naumoi'* ut me saiuo tifust be mude to Frederick Hunison, who is •uithorized to settlo said bnsiness witbin thiity days from date. FUEDEUICK HaRRI80N, Arthub Habrison, Honoiulu, H. I., M.irch 27lh, 1894 mar 28—I w. LEWI3 & C0„ W ho!esaie and Retaii Grocers AND PROVISION DEALERS, FRESR CALIFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICB By Erery Francisoo St«am«r. Salt Salmok in Barrels a Specialtt. /// Forl Sf., Uonolulu. Tel. '240, P. 0. Pox 297. C. T. AKANA lailoiH 324 Nuuann Street A.11 Suits Guarauteecl To Fit and in tbe Latest Style. CIothes Cleaned und Repaiied. nol" WANĪEO. A BRIGHT BOY MUST HAVE a horse to deliver newspaj>ers. Apply at tiie HOLOMLA OFFICE. Thomas Block, Kmg Street. tf. DAHCIHG CLA8SES. OAN LTONS’ DANCINT. CLAS» wiil b« cb«Dged fp»m tbe Lkill SnlA u. Akion Hall. whieh be reuted f<>r TCESDAY, THl’BSDAY aml SATUItDAY ct e«cb week. T be S itnrl-y oxgin’zr<i e! oe for C nil’ren will K»*et et ihe Aii >u Hall at 2 o’c!i>ck 3utnnl;iy Apr l Tth. Ua Toe*iay erea*a& Apnl I0*.u. at 7 o’cl»ck, a cli« wili be f»wie 1 (or Men and B>y-. Oa rbnr»-iiy itura, «oa, al .To’cI»ck Arril I2«ii. • «peeuii clua>* w.U be (onumi Kir HuWiiiana. Tue caiTE«< f .»r all day Pnpi’.a will be 23 cente « leMon. Oa th- <pore Ju\i» itr. Lyons ean be aeen at toe Uull fruo« t) u, 12 iuwu. .