Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — A Card. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Card.

At a meeting <>f the Hoonln & Hoola Lihni S«>ciety lieM nt ; Kapiol.mi Maternity Home on , tbe 4th diy of Apiil 18 4. it w.is resolved tbnt tlie Secretary be instrncted to have pnb!ished tiie fu!luwing c ird • f tlianks: H. M. Q »een Dowager Kapio ! laui, President; tbe i'rnstees of tbe H. i H. L. Socmty nnd tbe L «dy Managers of the Kaplolani i Maternxly /lome tendvr tbeir beart felt gratitade to ull tbe fr’ends. who, notwitb.st mding tlie hard times, so generunslv c«>n ! tribnted for t!ie luau g;ven >Iar j 31 st 1894. for tbe benefit of tbe ; Home. Too imieh pmise cmnot be given lo tbe kiml Ladies, wlo j abored so beartdy and assidn j onsly and owing to whoae w>>rk I tbe luau prowd a eompleie suc- | cess. lt is due t > tlieir nutiring aml generons etf >rts th il the net snm of 81151 50 w«s realized for tlie beiufit «>f tbe inst tatiou wbicb was ver\’ mueh iu need ol socb belp. Tbmiks are nlso due the Governdif«it f«>r tbe loan of fl <gs for dec rition. and f>r tiie rris> n { t.-.bo|r; to fbe two Stearas!iip C« m [ pmiea f-r free sbipneut uf ! «>f fre g!it, aud t»* all t’>e kunl fiieiid w’uo in «ny way bclpc«l , ! c»i>tr buto to iiie auccess of tbe i affhr. ! Per »nler, Ecoilsu Mooluh: Rs:s. Seciet*ry. 1