Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — LATEST NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


r ; EUaOPEAN’. Vienna. Mar. 21. The deat!i is . anno';uced of L>>nis K *wmtu, the veter.»t: Hn:igirian patr.ot, at Eue ' sge of nin«*ty-two. 1 Paris. Mar 21. Ti,e Government has decided to fortify T;mi boctoo. i P.m». Mar 21. 8enat«r Bonlj anger has heen appomted Minis5 t«r of the Freoch Colonies. Bnisse!s Mar. 22 New> has bcen received thst the Belgi;>n 1 exiwdition h s seizol the r >ad ' le.*idn gto the T»ngianv!sa. and . defeated tiie Ar >bs. Piome. M *r. 19. A borab. to j whieh w.->s att>ched a iig!itod fu>e, wis dīscovercil in the corridor ■f a tiieatre in Lueei. Oue «f tbe audivnce »ietected the «t > tempted outrage, and qneuched ; the fuse. Rome. Mnr. 18. Qaeen V?c toria arrived at Florence. and raet wit!i a most enthasla>t>c weieome. Belgrade, Mar. 19. The Synod has «uunlled tlie »Lvorce of King Mi an aml Qaecn Natalie, uml the l..tter retnrns t<» Servia. Biugk<>k. M.ir- 19. Tlie Mandarin P!ir<vo lias been acquitted i f the mnrder of limpeel >r Grosgnnu, the iuass»cre »>f whose party was ost* nsib! v the emse of tlie qnarrel bctweeu France and Siam. Paris, Mar. 20. In tbo Senate today. tl>e iejecfi<>n of a vote for tlie establishment of a Ministrv for t!.e colonies w*-re re openml. and on a divisi«>n the decision «.f tlie Ci);imber of Deputies, agreeit<g t<> such a departinent was 1 ■ <iffirmed Lo .don, M tr. 23. Mr. Climiberi;iin, speiking at Ed nbnrg, . tannt« d Lonl Roseberry with put- j tiug liis neek under tbe heel of j the Irish, by a|»ologising when the Irisli tigers raved. Lomlon. M<r 23—Mr. Huddart I1116 **ngfgt*d Mr. R S. White ; iles;giif-r «t t!m ss. C:impan:a. as I j naiitical i<dviser iu eonueelion , with the construction of tlie new 10,500 ton steimers, whieh lie 1 pro|)i<ses t<> have bnilt for the ! i Austra!ian-Vanc<niver liue. Tiie Lomlon D.iilv News asserts \ i that Russia inteadst > withdraw I lier emb issy from Sorvi t, owing 1 to t!ie returu «f ex-King Milan. The yacht Brittinnia won tbe chifcf prize at the Cannes Reg itta. Tlie Priuce of Walea was on board. QlU>en Vietori.« h.-ta , eiaiuieil sovereigu of PondoI »nd. London. Mar. 19 Tlie Chanct*1Ior of tlie Excli«quer estimates th it tlie expemliture f<<r the year I willamouutto £95.000,000, whieh is tlie higiiest ou record. Lond<<n Mar. ‘21. The Honse of Comu:ons h<s passe«l the Naval ■ v«>te. botb tlie Chancellf«r of tlie Exfilieqner uml tlie Secretanr of ! tlie Adu«iraltv liaving given strong :issurrtnces tbat tlie s :premacy of tlie Br.tish navy won!d ba inaiui iined. Tlie Secroti»ry for Irel md lias assured tbe liisb p <rty tliat the 1 second re«d ng of tlm E»*icted | , Teiiiints L>ill will be t.ken bef«jrf i | Whitsnnday. s ! (