Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 April 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

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p.V« do aot koid cnn*l rr% m$poosīble lr» |.tb( op:&-uns ot ihs o ( o.r cwiTe*-poadeati. ’ r i s Ed:tob HoLo3fTA: ibe Ad'.tiii*tT in its of Arrii 5th tr es hsrtl to ni ike a !ittle ehe.np eapiLil. wilh a le iJei * headtd, * A tr.bcte to merit” TLe fact is Eev. O P. Enierson and Prcf. A!exander were soco taken at their trae weigbt in W.ishington, and p:t down as two innocent old Layseeds, and looked npon as barmless ar.d ont of tbeir eleaieni; and charitabiy : pa.ssed off as 'iieh by the Senate. Tue AJrrrti*er pnsh is sadlv oct of plaee. The Senate will snstiin CIevel«nd—the Mouarchv will be restor-d in all its g!ory—t!ie goody-goody folks wiil creep and to Royalty and ask the Qneen out to tea as of yore—aud the Royal H.iwaiim Nat onal Band will play theair of. ‘ Dowu Weut McGinty”with a vim.as was never pl»yed before O. P. Emerson and Prof. Alex«nder wiil feel highly honored iu taking turns, ns poi mixer to HerM .jesty. Of hueh will be, as always has been, by natiire. that chass of Iick-spittles. Thurstou willdrive , through Americ i with his one- j show. Hastings will go baek to woik on the eauil, his • o!d vocation, OIeson will ag>iu join the Tammany, he spr.mg from. Ti:uth. " Editor Holomua: For the inform-ition of the general public, I beg to submit the followmg list of the l»korers under my snpervision at the Kameliameha Schools at the present time. giv:ng the mnnber, nationality and the wagesearmd, whieh I trust will go far to dis- 1 pel Ihe impression souglit to be giveu by tho Bulletin aml your ! paper to the effcct that all tiie | native labor, then emplnyed had i been dismissed by me for polilieal reusons: i 9 1 at $6.00; 6 at $4.00; 1 at 3.50; 1 «t $1 00 j«r diem. 7 Aaiericans— 5 at $4.00; 1 ut $3.50; 1 at $ 1.50 per diem. 3 Gennans—1 at $6.00; 1 ut $4.50; 1 at $1.00 per iiiw». 40 Portngaese—9 at $2.00; ‘2 a! S1.50; 15 at $1.25; 14 ut $1.00 30 Hawnii«us—1 nt $4 00; 1 »t $3.00; 1 1 at $2 05; I at $ 1.75; 3 at $1.50; 2 at $1.25; 21 at $1.00; per diem. G Japanes6«-6 ut 60 cents per diem, 05 W. Mitch, Snpt. Honoluln, Apr. 6. 189-4. [Mr. Muleh is wrong in stating that tbe Holomua cliarge him with discharging all of the i native lahor. Twenty-tw<> nien were discbarged fur ruhising to be coerccd. We believe in 22 signitures. Tlie above eeiuinnniealion refutes uuthuig. Ed. Holomua.]