Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Weather wno, wiud sonth. Tho pv >"S still grows in raany stvoets of tho oity. Tlie ]t p. haml |>lays this nfter noon at Emnia Squaio. Don*t f 'it»et the Kamelnmeha cor.cevt tonight at Kawaiahao chureh. Col. Jiiu Sheruootl is arrang- | inp for the reception of visiture nt Long Branch toraomtw. — ■ — ——■ O.ihu I.iulpe K. of P. meet> t'iis evening nt 7;40 o’eloek. Second tlegive. The Hawaiian Nationnl Bmd will gire another concert in the near futnre. l»y reqaest. Mr. Lvcns ami Lis pnH’' "f Raymond aml Whitcomb t rjf retnrned from the Volcam th morniug. Rrgistmtiou is proceeding most s!ow!v. Abuut half a thi»rsm.l n *iitos liu\e b«:eu obtaiuu\l bv Lanl ]iulliug. Tbo poliee do duty hnt rr vet unvo got no pay. The 1 tt»r event will not heeome u thīng aa&iUeii iui soveral duya yoL

Sans Srnci is n, pleasmt spot. ) cven in tLe par.id sc cf Waikiki, to visit tomorrow. — yi.-jor Thomas Krocsc i« & rerv •*opolar r.crxmHpe »rith bss gae«ts nt the Ar!ĪDgton IIv>use. Maj' r TVolters and Lis pine- ; «ppie cockto:ls aro becon:ing fuv r*tes w.tli thirsty travel!ers. TLe p. g oath is a pill on’y '■ relisbe<l by missicn'ries. Most 6 foreigners, of auy principle, de- - eline to take the medicine. Tho drii’.k lliHt chters and r.ot inebriates is that f imons one of * Senat *r Conninpham s. calVd 5 Ovster cocktails. Call at tbe Anchor. The M rshal or his depnty ; shon’d look closer into the char- ■ 1 acter r.f the speci «ls now on dutv i hi d it is s«fe to say that tbere woohl be several vacanc:es. — Mrs Dr Henri McGiew and ehihl left by the stearaer Mono- . uai for San Frai»cisco. — The St. Lonis CoIlfpe rr.nsicale w s preatly cujoyed, l;.st evening by the munv people present. * ■ I The ’2Vser displays eommemli ible enterprise in the r.dditiou | of i!Iustratious to its columns — The steamer Mariposa is a vessel looked anxiously for by 1 the p p ’s, but patieut!y by the tme bl es” She is dne here • from the Coast ou next Tuesday. Tho Schnetzen c’ub hnd an -nt!iusiastic meetinglast evening. ''ome of the menibers t.ilke<l like ilnleh unclcs s’ abont newspapcr nen and tlie heallh of the “ press” .vas drank staudinp. Knpagemcnts of the Loyalists, f t!ie sterner sex, shou!d not be illowcd to keen them away from j Uie raasa meeting on Monday | jvening. Ladies even m«y be ssnred that tlieir preseuce is neleome. Enpelseu an cx-p. p soldier got : .elieved. iu liis mind, of in ! eoin by some boon eompaniona. } AfUr petling over his mental berrat on he is rejiorted to have fonnd the money in i.is trunk. M irtial law was nearly declared Tho <SV(ir showed its enterprise, 0 d belief iu tho gullibility uf its patr.>ns, by raisiug the prico of the slieet to 7ō cents jier montli. The editor gave his readers seven | columns of “boiIer plate” mhtter 1 st eveninp so ns obtaia a profit ijre.it is ihe Star aml one of the Siuitli‘s is its j>rojihet. — The rejiorts received from ; Miulamo f*ele’s domain is that ihe Volcano is now raost active md atfords a grand sight both day aud niglit. Only day parlies .re t.ikeu mto Uie crder;at night the view from tbe Volcano iiOuse s sufficient. - Commodore Alex McGregor of the Wilder Steamship Co. who has for many a year pilotud the -tfimer Mokolii t > aud from this jiort is ent!iusiastic in bis descrij*tion o! t!ie festivities held in eonueeiion with the Lewis—Dudoit wedding at Moanui. Ha’w'ailans to the Front. ! It is perhnps uot gener.illy knowu t!iat St. L'nis Collo{;e seut an exhibit'on of the work d ine by that well known scbool j t i the Colnmbi.m Exposition at C!iicipo. As there was no llawaiian oxhibit the St. Lon’s’ demoustration of its high educat onal standing was shown nnder t’ve gre.at Catholic exhibitions. By the last steamer, tlie collfge. received a D'ploma cf Honor awarvled for the ‘*N«)rm.-«I aml Class work Dr«wing ” Th s fact is wortl»y « f nutiee at a time when the allegetl gnorauce. barbarism and iuapt tude to ieam of tbe Ha«rmians are tlie catchwor«ls nsed by the “taissionary M poli-} kieiuna.