Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kamehameha Concert. QIces, ChorJses, V/aibIes Ch:ir — and — ScF(oou 3\j<o. Tbe POYS will bo ssistel bv ot!iers bit :irj Hoing rm>st ,>f tbe worx THEMSEI.VES. to tike plaoe Saturday, - Aprll 7, at 7:4-5 P M . : t Kawaiahao - Church ADMISSION : : ; 5 ( s T c'<ets f r S ile at Ci?t’e ,(■ C Thratn*s arul llawaiiau Ne>vs C >. mnr3li w. OCEA X IC SteamsliipCo Time Table. LOC A.L LIXE. |S. S. ArSTRALLA. Arrive H»u >lula Le;>ve īlonolulu from S, F, tot S. F. Fr b. ‘24 M .r. 31. Mar. ‘24 M..r 3. Apr. ‘21 Apr. *2S. M iv 19 M .y. 2«. Jane 16 Juue '23. Thronjrli 1 -ineFroiu Sun Fr n. f>r 8vdnoy. Arrive Honolnlu Le.ue Honoluln. 2.21, “Tvriukl..-’ 2..-W‘i. “La,!y i’ow.n. and other good marv<, aUo. “Dropj)er” pnpuie*. (crtKa between Setter an 1 i’oiuter). lburonglibre<i on both aiile». Blue Pellou Kugtiah ōctter Bitch “11111 ue Xoble,” « prize wmuer iu b*ueli aml fi;H, »!ejv.iy an>l »tanncb. Xo ni.n haa » betU-r Bnll, bjr "l'iu'. King" ont of “Jcr-ey Lillle,’* regi->tereJ. 3 mileh Co«rx. ī'or fnrther particulars, APPLY to a. j. ca6twrigu r. M*r !5-tf. MERCnANTS EXCIIANGE, S. I. SUA\V.2PtiorRirroa, CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE DEER , Coraer of King antl Nuuana Sts., Mutuil Tel. 423. Honolala. WM. DAVIES, Riggei*, StevecIor(" axd W recker. ESmiATE8 AXD COSTEACT8 OS ALL KIXDS OP WOBK. The Schoooner MAHIMAHI, Will ran reguUriy hetw»»a rbiw port and K,wāb,{vvi. MoknL-ia. Keaweom au i K ’iki n tbe iaUn-1 4 (hli, i’u.- i’.v» 0 u> u C«puia. of Reforences—Inoaiie i Oflio; of J. 8. MV.ker ov Spreckt!s’ Bauk. or WriabtBro Foti Stroot d