Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 81, 7 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Chas. T. Gulick NOTARV public For the Island of Oaha. Agent to Take Acknowle«.1guoiiti to Labor Contncts. Agent to Grant Mirriage Lieenses, Honolnlu. Oahu. Agent for t!io Haw’ n Islitn<3s of Pitt ā Soott s Fre cht and P.irce»s Express. Agent for the Borlington lionte. Rgal £state Er:l:r anl Inml Af est Bell Tel. 3iS; Mut. Tel. 139; P. (). P>os 41ō. 0FF1CE: No. 3S MEECHANT Street. Honolalu, II. F. THE WELL KN’OWN’ THOROUGHBKED RUXXIXG STALLIOX “Duke Spencer" Will Stind tlie Se:is n at tlie St.ililes of A. J. Cartwuight, Esq., Makiki. Fee. F»ftv D<>11 rs: p v.*lile at t’m • t>f service, Gu<>«1 o ire taken • <>f Mares: not resp nsible f»>r ae- ! cid«*nts. —Duke S}>enc**r. biy: boiglit, tifteen an«l t ree-qnarter liaods; of tbem *st gentle «li.si>oI sitinn. ra r 10 A Co. ®JePG§aqt \ i Scta>t Street. Block, Opp. Qceen Emma Uai.l, Honolulu. » LVRGE ASSORTMFNT of Di»p->n»ls. n Ci<'imerp, Bi>»ul doths, | Braids, RnttoQs us«orteJ trituining<. ; NEW PATTERN' D »s{>nals Twte.ls aml Scrge. M«r2e-:>ni Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale TI1E EXGL1SH SETTER ** Honolulu Girl,” Bred nt t!ie Glenmore Kenne’s. Berbeley, C «la. Begistered (N >. 31.093) A. K. CS. I>., N* w V rk. Sire>l I>y I.ee R„ w nneml Derbv »» f lUe Pu; cific C > »st Freld Tn.il at B ikers:ieM in IS H). he by Ro lney »9, 490) lrom Phy!lisII (2, Hm), Roi)ney, Ihe sire of 1ee K . by D<h; D., from K >te D . [.1,715] fr->>n l’hyll.s II [2.165] R ike [212] fr>>m Phjlli- 474. I I he dum of H>>n lu'n Girl w»>s Belle GlnJ- ; stone, the only «lstnghter oa the P.ieilii- | Co;istof ehaiunion Gl»ustone > 113); froat j Zell, (3,8CI>.; by D;ta, [1,110;, from «.'hampiou Petrel, [8.4*27]. THE POIMEE * Honolulu Duke/ (30,853), bre«l at tlio SIiabb >na Kemiels Ott wn, II. | by Devv>nslure Sm, (7.30; frora Sh;srlH. (5,281>. Tl;eDim f II >n>lnI i D :ke ii Belle, by [aek; frout Belle D. by l'rinkett's ■ Buug, (4,117). Honolulu Duko is thoronghlv | br >ke ou phenstnts, witli sUunch |io nts—m ali-«l >y «l>g. F>r fortl»er particnlars. apply to or a*lihess W. M. CUNN1NGHAM, mar 10 An*CH0R Saloon. Long Brancli BATHING Establishment. This First-class Bathmg Resort | bns been enlargetl and is now open to the pnblic. It is tbt best p!ace on tiie is!ands to enjov a bath and there is no better plaee to lay off. Speciul aeeom- I mo<.l;itions f«>r Ladies. Tramcars j pass the door eveiy half bo »rand on Satnnl iys and Sundavs everv fifteen minntes. C. J. SH£RW00D Proprietor. P0UXD MASTEB a S NUT1CE. \odoe is h*rel>T ji»en to tQ pcrv>n<. 4h>ru u »t tā« Go»eru ueat Pooml at kiki, om »tnjo>l b«u;it h>>r*, x w>t on tj« f»rva«»l, iuai oiu w b.ātd u> tacnbabie. An/ ;>rrs.jn or pwnon» trwting , hoiM 1X9 nqnmtirf %o oo 1.9 t«k* Um miu oa or hr4>r>> I2»'ci»ck i SATL’KDAY, APKIU 2L 1331. JAAIEa KUKON Rmud HnMki, Apr. 8, I*M.