Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
WANĪEO. A BRIGI1T BOV MDST HAVE .1 horse to deliver newspupers Apply ut the HOLOMl A OF FICE, Thomas Block, K:up Street. tf. _ DAN]1N5 CLASSE3. ~ DVX LYONS' D\NCINO CLAS3 wil !v ch'»uge<l fr>m the Ohill Shkj> tn Akios H\li_ wlneh he h is rente 1 f.>r TU£SD.VY. THl'RSD.VY uui S.VTURDAY ot e. ( c; week. i’he S itunlrty orginize<l cli<s forCh:lln-r. will meet ut tb« Arkm HhU nt 2 o eloek S.xtnrd»y afternoon. Apr.l 7th. On Taesiay eTening. Aoril IOtlu nt - o'eloek, a olas8 wili be f.>rtueil for JIen an l B-»ys. On Thutstlay aftemoon. at S o'eloek Vpril I2th, » «peeiāl cĪA88 w.U he fonuei foi Haw iimr s. The chtrces for ull day Pupilu wi'.l be 2-7 cents a lessoa. On Ihe «bove dar3 Mr. Lyons ean be seen at the ilall from 9 to 12 noon. o0ōl-2t. Chas. T. 0-uliek NOTARY PUBLIC For tbe Island of Oabo. Agent to Take Acknowle<lgTien(s to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolnln, Oabu. Asent for tbe Haw’n Islands of Pnr A Scott’s Freigbt aud Parcels Express. Agent for tbe Burlir.gtoa Iloate. Eeal Estate Mer aai Geuaral Afeat Bell Tel. 318; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MEECHANT Street, Honolnln, H. I. THOMAS LIXD3AY. Mannfad t rinj\ Jevxlei WatckmaJcer, Kdaoy (Mi. #08 m»