Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — About Music. [ARTICLE]

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About Music.

Honolnlu people prido tberaselves ou being of a inasicii! turn of miuil, arul tbere is b:mll\* a ! bouse \vbere not a piano (and tbe i inbabitants) suffer uncler the rnis placed impression. 'Wo sball of ; conrse at all tiines euconrage mi:s cal eclucation and a proper i ambition of tbe coramuuity to | earn tbe reputation of beiug musical—but \ve \vish, to gracious, , that llie good folks wnolel get tbeir | pianos tuued beforo tbumping tbera. We aro a\vare tbat one reason \vliy nearly all piauos are ont of order is tbat for some time tbere b is been no one bere topnt tliera in sbape. That excuse eani not be given uow, becauso Profes- , sor Yarndlev is in towu, anel a more experl tnner tbau tbis wellknown musician cannot be found 1 anywbere. Auybody really desiring to produce mnsic from tbeir iustrumeuts, sbonld bnrry up I atul leave tbeir on!ers at Hollister & Co., wlio will transfer to tbe l J rofessor. As violin playing seeras to be in voguo uow, those ; desiriagtobavetbeir*‘kids” more | tban murder, tbe iustruraent sbould avail tbemselves of Mr. , Yarudley’s instruction and services lt is unnecessiry to say anytbing about liis violin p!ayiug. Everv n;usic lover in Honolulu bas beard bim :>ud knows all I about it. The question if we are to bave i Sunday band concerts or not j even makes Sei*eao E. Bishop | sbow bis teeth »ud snap at the heels of Dole, Hatcb, D.imon & i Cos. ! We hopo that tbe cditor of tbe i Slur nnil tbe ot!ier anti-Japanese had a gnod look at tlie meu frora tbo Takacbibo t!iis momin" Tliose fe!lo\vs didn‘t look as if tbey\vouM takea “Xo”wben tbey some day eame up auel elemamleel : tbe rigats of tbeir e impatriots 1 in Hawaii uei. If the argnment of tbe Enllelin iu regard to Su day band eonI certs \vas soand t!ie “continental Sanday” woulel n >t exist. While ; there is a move on tbe E.impean • continent to close stores etc. ou Sunday in tbe interest of tbe j empioyees, Sund «y entertiiu 1 ments aro being increas“d, nnd | tbeatres. concert-balls, cafes, restanrauts etc.. are in foll bl>st while parties and bi!ls botb private and public are tbe order icf tbe day. Let tbe band-boys have a rest oiv Siturday, but !et tbem blow tbe boru ou Sunday.