Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — AT IT AGAIN. [ARTICLE]
Thc Polilieal Chicf-Justicc s Pronunciament. It is with n sense of deep gratitnde tbat the loyalists have read the proclamation of ChiefJnstice A. F. Jndd to his Hawaiian friends—who€ver they may i be. The following address printed on small slips and handed on the i q. t. to the elect at Snnday School roeetings. shows the hanl stress lbat Ihe P. G. is in, becanse the Hawaiiana will not joiu them. . And it also shows the utter dis- , regard tbat Vr. Jndd has for the ! dignity of his high ofBce and the ( jesnitic tuetbods used by him in 1 mixing politics with religion all for tho parpose of saving tbe P. G. Tne Ioyal citizens are greatfnl to Mr. Jndd, becauso his illadvised action will lmve the effect to alienate from his cause, the fcw mislend Hawaiians, who joiued him and it will utterly disgust a DQmber of respectale | foreigners who roalize tho insult ! comm>tted ngainst the higbest ( judicial oftice in Ihe Kingdom. Mr. Judd raost have a very high opinion of his own wisdom and Bagacity if ho believs that he and , be alone, is in a position to know what tho futuro of Hawaii-nei will be. This is what tho Chief Jesnit in Huwaiian says to his Hawaiian friends (names for reason, uot given); My HawAiian Frie\ds:— The time haa eonio for me to express my opinion. 1. There is no roore hope fov the ostiblishiueut of the Monarchy in Hawaii. 2. If the Hawaiians desire to have u voice iu the cuning government, it is for them now tr> register and take the oath, and thereby got the privilege to vote for tbe constitutional couvection. 3. Do awny with your mistaken ideas and do away with your ill-feelings. and rise and joia those haole» that are g’od cit zens of Hawni in this houorablo work. With my aloha. A. F. Jcdd,