Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Again in Town! >Te\v Songa«, New Heoitations, X e\v Instrumental aml Band Selections The I.atest .iml Be>t receive l bv the sfeamer Monowui, are now on exhībit'on tt the PopuIar Phonograph Parlors, Arlingt >n Rloc'-. Hotcl Street. Dou’t uiist.tke the Location. fe!9 W ARRIVED, ** V*» m • i ii BABY • CABRIAGES 0F«ALLJ!8TYLES V IS THE.LATESTjrATTEKSS. “2H OUSEHOLD” SEWING MACHINES Hasd Sewing Machiser, Cy*All With the Lat*-8t Improvenients\jrj PARLOR Ora:ans, Guitare» An l Oth«r Mnaieil IastranienU.| Wines, Liquors, Beer always os hano, vsd F«JB SALE BY ED. 90FFSG9UEGEB 4 C0. Kine St.. npr« C««tV * Pwlie'» Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Iavoiee of the World Renowned FREDER!CKSBURG UGER BEER On draoght and by the keg. Alao, as a Specialty, Suau Fresh Cauforhia 0YSTERS. > FOR COCKTAUS U%Jla