Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
E Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co. the 3?rize atthe AVor*ld ? S with their EAGL K 33ranrl Ecer. St Louis. Oct. 2S, 1S93. Messbs. Macfarlaxe & Co., L’o , Honolnla, H. J. Deo.r Sir »; —M'o liare mailed yon a copv of the Globe-Democrat the great victorr won bv the ASHJĒUSEa-Bū8H Associatiox with their “EAOLE’’ Braud of Beer. [Signed] AXHEUSER-BCSH EEWINO ASSOCIATIOX. m i & .\C & m 5» % & * 'ē & - r. ■V % rC * /A & #8 10» In ordering this Beer 1 e 8ure to «sk for the “EAOLE’’Brand. Ma r. 14—-2md. Macfarlane &; Co., AgenUfn' Havxiiian IshtmU. AT THE CLUB STABLES. U CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. Sire. Prompter, 2,305. by M e BnlL 75; D:im. Omee, hy Bnccaneer. 2,850. Pr >mpter is eIso the Sire of Aj -x, 2:26; Tran-.it, 2;26i; \Valker 2;2.ī}; Wnles, 2:271; Chic >, 2:24: and of the Dhbis r>n!liantine, 2:17 ond Vigor, 2;2S. “Creole’’ is iet lil.iek, oue hind white foot and emall stripe iu f«ce. \Wight, 1,050 ponnds; is rery stylish, Rentle, n eood pmdncer •’nd « gnme mee horse, Will stand fnr a limited nnmber of mares at FIFTV (;50) DOLI.AhS FOR THE SKASOX, p.iyah!e at tiuie of service. This horse »as bred iu 1802 to forty->is mares uad produced forty-two co.ts. feb 17-lm 13 H DAVIS. 0EDWAT & PORT.ER, Rohinson Bloclc, Hoiei >7., heiween Fvrt and Nnuanu, Have Jv.st l’u» vd ]u 1 « / iiōa'E. 11 e 1 1 ifft( el tf FUB 2\11LRE Ever Imj oitid to tl is C«'nntrv, Coraprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Soli<l Oali. a»Iof ihe LA TESTDESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10X 1S CALLED TO ThESE SETS: WIOKEH WARE, EuhuI ful Des gns «>f W ick->r M are, cons!st ng of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS, etc., you c;iu get these in .• ny PINI.'H vo>i desire CHAIRS, Cjantless nurabers of CUAl KS. iu * verv stvle, ii c>uding OFFICE nnd HIGH CHA*IRS. E2IT31TSIOIT TABLE3, We hstve had a ntuuber of calis for tbese Tab!es, \vitb CHAIRS t> match. We h*ve now in stock the raost BEtUTIFUL DINING R30M FURNITURE EVER SEEN HERE. Sideboards and -:- CMfi‘oniers J7mVA3VS D vans covervd with PORTIERS are bcc«mung qaite the r.«ge in plaee of LOUNGE8-we aiannf «cture t:iera to ortlcr. and have a laiee stock of PORUEKS to st-I ct froni. I <3- - Gre't Assmtment ofWOVEX M IKE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, M««SS, W>>ol aud Straw Mnttresses on han«I and m*de to order. L1VE GEE8E FEATHERS and S1LK FLOSS for Pil ows CRIBS. CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADtlS of all colors and siz s. CORNlCE POLES. in woo«l or br ss trimmings. S B ĪEĪNO’. lattiesses, Lounges and all Upholstered Farnitare repaired »t rvasouable r. U-s. v 'ABINET MAKINO. in all its braucbea, by &impea«nt Workmen. IATTISG LA!D and Int rior Decor-ti g Q;ider the Saperr.s ou of Ir. GEORGE ORDWAY. Oar Goo<ls F rst C1 ss, and ««ar prices are t e lo¥est- Come >nd be e Mavinocd —a tr»;-.l is s Lo UhI. BeU Ō2Ō TELFPKO.VE»r M’it Hl Ol'i. JRDWAY X PORTER. R.ib>nson I}:>«'i, iuii ,»uJ . uuauu