Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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CHEAP FURNITURE ! VUVG FAT Ccn.fr c f Kirp • rd EctLel Hni.olnlo, Offcr a ltrpe iss»rt nent of fioe aod d« simb!e fuhimturk, vhicb <1 n <-fli nt a v»ry lrw £pvrp. I?*. vtc*.ds. Eirnitis, Me*.t Saf«>5. W. n’i< bcs. ctc., at ptices to soit tvci_\ bcdy. Call ci;d iLhi tct foryooreelve8. m r 12 TIKG FAT A CO. JU&T l:F.(EIVEU fr< m JAPAN Ec'cral Kicd of Coltcn Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts in <F!Terent qnnluies. C{reBl: ilftcrtent cf fcrc8lain T< ;i f5tts a Specialty J.‘.pnn(so Lnnfcrcs ond mncy Cor'cs si.iti.ble for ChristiE8s Goods. 411 KINC £7KEIT. Ponolnln. Tclcrl. i < . I’< II 474. P.O. En SĒ6. MuUial 544. Ool3 Im Criterion Saloon EFR AUSTRALIA, auotber I r<voice of Uie celebrated JOHN WEILANU PALE LAqe*l BEER. Also,> Fresh Ixvoice of C/\LlpOF^NI/\ oysjE^s FOR oysjE^ COCKJ/\lLS L. H, DEE, Proprictor. ,Sans Sūuci HŪI'EL, WAIKIKI, IIONOLULU. * : i nrst-Cl3SS A eeommooar tions for Tourisis and lsland Guesfs SUPER/0R BATH/NG FACtLITIES, Priv3te Cottages for fam/7«S. : T. A. 8IMP60N, Hactg«r.