Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
[{, E, McIkty'I e IiIP0RTER3 A>*D DEALERS I>’ Oroceries, IProvisions A5D Feed, EAST CORXER FORT A KING STS. New Goods Rec'd Bv every Pactet frora the Eastern States «nil Eorope. Fresh Ca!ifornia rrodnce by everv steamer. All orders faithfnllv attended i* - », and Go'ds delivered to anv part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Islan;f Onlers S">liciteil. Sat : sf.-*ction Goaranteed. Pots OiEee Box S». 145, Telephone No. 9*2.
LANDS AT AUCTIOX. Bv virtne of an onler issoed hv the Conrt tbroagh the Cbief Jastice. H>>n. A. F. Judd. in re<jnnl to tlie Case of ILLIAM WATSON et al. «gainst David W;«tson, tliere will be sold nt Public Anction, at the Auction Uooms of Jauaes F. Morgan. at TJ o’eloek noon. on SATUEDAY A»*ri» ‘28. 1894. All those premises situated at Kaneohe, Koolanpoko, Oihu: and more particrd>«vly designated as follow>, to wit: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot 2 421 “ Lot 3 37.96 “ Lot 4 7.35 “ Ail are parts of Royal Patent 174 to Paul F. Man:ni. Lot 5 20 acres Lot 6 20 “ Lot 7 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot 9 54 50 “ All are parts of those premis<>3 couveyed bv Kamehameha IV. to D.tvid Watson, by deed dated Dec. 29, 1862, and rec<»rded in Liber 16, p ges 127 and 128. Tit!o perfect. Deeds at the expenses of the Purchasers. For further particulars apply to William C. Aem. Attorney for the Commissioner, or to S. M. KAAUKAI. Commissioner. Honoluh’ Feb. 23, 1894. Henry Coxodox. L. 11. Dee. California Wine Co. J03BEES OF W ines, Spirits, & -Beers. And in f<iture tl>e bnsiness will be carr : ed nn under the nme and style of “C\LIFORNlA WINE iCŌ at 407 Fort street. Mdu- ruy B!ock. LAB0R BDBEAD. THE AMEKĪOAN LEAOl'E | Begs lcave to announee that it has est ib ished an E'npl<\vment Bnrean in eonneelion with the , Aineiiean League We will be pleased to furmsh you with »kiIled or unskdled labor without any fee for the eng.iging snch labor. Tbe ’abor enr<>lled with ns is o” tbe followiug nation.ilitias: Araerican, P.«rtoguese, H iw.iiian. German. An 1 other Enropean N «tiona!ities Beggīng leave to open a corres|H..udence with you on this sul»ject, We remain, Yonr obeilieut servants, The Amekioan Leaoue Emplot ment Bckeao. Addr»*ss all comraunicitions toTHEO. P. SEVERIN, Secretary. m;.r 28-tf. P. O. Box 498. wm$ wo C[ij\fi \ do, Xo. 23 Nnn«mQ StneV Hi oulaia Co;i|iissioil f/lE^cl|<MlTs ■;>r2 ly ]STol iee. Dnring a>y »b«tenoe from thi» Kir.j brother LEB POI of tbe Fmn o Vee H«r Kee at Wd-.nae. ( *W1 *ct for lae with f»U po»er o( Atb ; kwai vce: uf Wama ie, Oaha. 1L r. 5th. 180». ta*r A-lieo
H. MAY, & Co., | Tea Dealers, i Coffee Roasters AND Provision f Merchants' * 93 Fort Street. - Honololu Families, Plautations aml Ships snpplied with choicest Euwpean & American Grocerit9 California Produce by Every Steuner. N( )TICE The pnrtnerslup heretofore existing between Froderick H«rrison »nd Arthur Hurrisoo, under tbe firm nxme of Hurrison Bros. us Contr.ictors and Builders, has been by matnul cousent dissolved, «nd «11 parties owing said £rra «re hereby not fied tiiat pnyraent of the saiue nmst bt> iuude to Frederick Harrison, wlio is :tuthorizeel to settle said business withm thirty «lays frora date. F»ederick Harrisox, Aethur H arriso.v. Uonolulu, H. I., M irch 27th, 1894 tnar 28—lw. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU st., Honolulu, : : M. 1. GENERALand Commission Merchants — AXD — SUGAR FACTORS. AGENT> FO!t Lloyds s— Br u,u rtūd Foreign M»rine In«nr- '• anoe Cotnj»iuy, Liiuited. Northt-rn A«nnuw Co, l:re A life. Pionter Lme of PaekeU (r,m Lfrerpool. Q iinuiuu Lioe o( Packets. : Caiadiāfl Pacific Rajtoy Ca. *«> Caflallan-Aiistraliaii Steamsaiū Co. Li vertocl Omei: The AIbatr, OU Hall St. t«n lo-.«n BRUGE & A. J. CARTWRICHT EaMOPM o( a Fidnci*ry N»tnre Tr>naact«d. Promj.t attfntion trirrn to th» of EstatGa .rd anehipa, Tmsls. «tc., etc. OJicfs, : Caiix'’riij/.t BuiUtmj, Merchant Street, (lonolnln. CHAS. CIHDLER, Importer aud Commi.-*?ion Merchant. SP£TIALTIZS; 3. k P. CoaU’ TLread Juoaa CrockV Maehme Tare*l 6arboar'5 L.ncu Thre*d Pean’ Soap P. O. Box 35S. Mntuol Tel*phon« 35« 13 Kaihnwan-i R«reet. W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Merchant CampUll Fi re-proo£ Biock, MRP.CHANT ST. HONOLUI.U-