Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kamahameha Concert. 3l2es, Ci?rjs2s, Wa?bles Ghoir and (<\P«Ha|«H\ ScHoOU ■■ Tbe BOTS w ; I! he sssisteJ br otbers b it doirij; m ost of tbe work THEMSELVES, to take 1 plaee Saturday, - April 7, at 7:4 j P M, tt Kawaiahao - Church ADMISSION : : ; 5Ct3 T;cke(s f.»r Si!e at i C‘M)ke's, Tiirum’s aad Hawaiian News C *. mnr31 Iw. OCEAXIC SteamsliipCo Timo Table. LOC A.L LTXE. S. S. ATJSTR ALLA.! Arrive Honolala Leave Ilonolala from S, F. ror S, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. Mar. 24 Mar. 3. Anr. 21 Anr. 28. Miyl9 M*y. 2(5. Jane 16 June 23. Thr«)U2jli īūneFrom San Fnn. for SyJney. Arrive Houolulu Frora SyJuey for S.m Franclsco. Leave Honoluln. F0R SALE. COLTS AND FILLIES by “\rTOROVE ’ 2.22 ont of sreh nmres as “S lky” 2.23 triiil2.lt. “Peek ’ 2.:«6. “Halloweeu” du o of “Miss Halloweeu” 2.24, an I ‘Smt i R .isa‘ 2.21, “Twiukl.-" 2.;W>„ “Lody l’owei.i" and other po »d nian?s, ilso. “Druj»|ier” pnpoiea, (cross befween Sefter and Pointer), 4horonghbred on l>.itb sides. Blne lVItou Kuelinh Setter Bitch “Minaie ■ a prize winuer iu heneh aud tield. steady and st iiiueh. Xo m.m h is n bett>-r thorunghhretl, Jersey Uall, by “Una’s King” ont of “Jersey Lillie,” registered. 3 uiileh Cows. For further particaliirs, AP?LY to A. J. CARTWRIGHT. Mor 15-tf. Long Braneh BATH IN G Estabilshment. TbisFirst-cl iss Bath;n£ īlesort his been enlarped and is now npen to tbo pub!ic. It is the best p'aee (*n tiie islands to enjoy a bath and tbere is no better plaee to lay od. S{>ecial aeeommodatious f**r Ladies. Tramcars pas> the door «veiy ba!f bo ;raud on SatnrAtys aod Sundays even fifteen uinutes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. MBRCHANT’S EXCHANGE,' S. I. SHA\V.JIWireroR, CHOICE LIQUORS and FINE BEER, Coroer of King and Nunanu Sts.. Mutoal TeL 423. Honolulu.