Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — UTFST NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Bv the steamer M noirai froro the Colo īe* t with nenrs dates • to tlie 24th, and telegrams to the 23rd inst, rSTT£D STATES. TVasbiDgton. M«_r 23. President Clcveland sug2ests that Senator BIand's Silver Bill sbonld be vetoed, with a view to sanction 3 per cent. short currency br.nds at the discretion of the Treasnry. Washington, Mar. 23. The The American-Chinese treaty proposes that Araericaas going to China shoald be photographed and registered similar to Chinese visiting America. Washington, Mar. 22. The Seuate Commitee consider that the treaty between Uuited States and China restricts the admission of Chinese iuto Amene i. Wushington, Mar. 21. It is i reported that the President, yielding to great pressare. will assent to the silver seiguior.ige | bill if a pledge is given that uo ; more silver bills will be introdnced daring his terra o{ olliee. { Washington, Mar. 21. The new Tariff Bill repeal the tre«ties established under the McKinley law. Washiugton, Mar. 20. T!ie ! Government (?) bas established a coaling station at Pearl H:irbor, Hawaii. New York. Mar 20. The city poliee touight r.iidetl nn Itilian garabling den. The gamblers were present in lnrge numbers, and,beii.g armed with revolvers 1 aud knives. resisted any interferenee. The resnlt was a severe confl!ct, in wh : ch nineteen of the foreigners were wounded, three seriously.