Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — An Imposing Funeral. [ARTICLE]

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An Imposing Funeral.

Tlie funeral of Mr. H;ira the uufortunate mieUhiponn of tbe J.ipnnese mau-of war T«kuchiho took pluee tbis moruing \vith militury hou >rs. The cortege was beaJe«l bv tlie band from the U. S F S Philadelphia. Detuchmeuts of s;iilors from the Takachiho. ehampion. Adams and Phihulelphia marcbed behindthe gunctr riuge whereon re.sted.the re»nain& of the unfortnnate yonth. Many olheeie from tbe d tferent warsh:ps attended the funeral. The c »sket was be »ntifolly decnrated and floral decorations were carried bv men from the ship. Several e ublems charucteristic of a Japan3se funeral weie seeu in the procession. The Japanese Legati.m was represented. in the ahsence on Kanai of Mr. Fujii, b,’ the secreUries. Tbe bnrial took plaee at Makiki cemetery.