Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 80, 6 April 1894 Edition 02 — LOOU NEW8. [ARTICLE]
Tae eooueilā met, as osuaL Tbe Press CInb meela ton:gbt Even tbe 'Tittr is afraid of smiiiog Sam. A mass mceting ■will be held on Mond«y evening. Dnsiness is as dull. as. tbe j proveibial ditcb water. Wind south today; weather veiy warm; tbermometer S9. — The Monowai did not get away for tbe Coast nntil9:30 tbis «ngTbe p. g. band played the steamer otf. as usual, on depar toie. — Tbe Matern iy Home will b«re a card of thauks in tomorrow’s : Holomua. — TLe net rcceij.ts of tbe luan in 1 1 aid ot tbe Matcrnity Home was i j$1,151.50. T!ie Appropriation 13111 witbo;)t any regnlar autbority, is* now bei:;g prepared. ( M tnager Cunningbam of tbe : Ancbor serves up a fresb pie to . : bis customers. Tl’.o steamer Mairposa is dne | bere from the Coast on tbe 12tb inst , uext Tuesday. , . ■ _ —- _ _ : Tbere will be a mnsicale in t l)onor of St B°rtram ut St Louis ( College this evening? j t Pressnre of foreign news aud and otber matter compels n paucity of loeal notes m tbis issae. Pinenpple candy, nnd drops and cocktai's are a mixture whieh Maj‘ir Wulters eau produce to ( 1 inqnisitve cnstomers. l — A eoinmnniealion from m t Mutcb, tbe lona nt lbe Kamelm- 1 meba scbool, whieh dues uotdisprove anythiug, is unavoidably t bold over uutil toraorrow. * < 1 Mr. L. H. Irvine, tbe aeeom- \ ) ptisbed correspondent. was an g >»utward passenger by tbe S. S Monowai for San Fr mcisco tbis morning. He received tKe usual i | tloral tnbutes. > Mr. Wellesley Parker one of tbe br : gl»test of autipodeau eau i v:>ssers bas presented bimself in j a most joviiil and friendly way to tbo n> tice of the genend public tnd be is mneh meutioued in business circles. Tbe concert at tbo Hawaiian Hotel l.ist evening by tbe boys of the Hawaiiau N >tional Band was i grand snccess in point of iittendanco, aud tbe preseuce of an apprec ate »udience. The musi cians were all in good form, and tbe various selections were well played Come ngain. 1