Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Time to Stop. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Time to Stop.

Enough has been said both in the government org «ns as well as in the opposition j«>uiaais against the nnheanl of. outngeous mismauagement of the poliee force. It is not for ns t/ s«y who is to blame. The Marshal is sick The Depnty Marsba! is coauected witb the departmeut tbrough his legal qua!tfi cations and is not sapposed to iuterfere. Capt lin Audtews is a!w.«ys fnil of act vity, but bas ao power uud ia the me >ntime tbe cit;zens of Honoiulu are left to tho mercy of tbe iguoraot Dutebmea, who now are allowed to run this towuatnight We eall tbe aUeaiioa of tbe laarued Altotuey-Genoi*l—

■ I ■■ | ja(lgng from ov «edition saiti' 1 ■ tbas be re ids oar paper to the fact beciose a bmd rr a vjman may travel after cUrk. they do not aeces-Birilv Ueeomo criminals or conspīrators. or objecfs for the offici«t «ction of the hired polieemen of the immacoUte government. Last nigbt tvo gentlemen le iving tbe Pacific Clnb and ' escort‘ng two ladies (foreigners) j lo their home were accosted in the most oatrageous manner oatside the lUrr»cks on Palaee Wilk by some ‘ t)atch’' polieeofficer, who evidently Ubored under an amoroas feeling. and vety poeticslly, desired to sing tbe oot forgotten song of. "She s my Annie" ele. Being reraon strated «ith. tbe pet of Mr. W. • O. Smith waxed angry, and arrested the gentleman. Arrivi»g at the Station Qoase. apologies were made, and today an ! eicase is pnt forward tb .t officer was drnuk. Wfaat ncit? I Reg!STRatiox is not veiy livelv. i Hard!y «ny Hawaiians ontside j tlie poliee force hav© signified their willingness to sapport the p. g , and plaee them»elves on record as vot« r». Outsido of goV- i ernment officials the onlv natives ! of any notcnety, who have regis- | tertd «re tbe Rev. Waiamau and George Maikham.