Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

PHORCEO PHORAC)MC Successful Ra:ds by General Scissors. The ra:n th»t c«rues over the hill —the raio, The uuaieal, raystical rain. Borne on frona the stretch of the tempemte skies — The skies that are gmy as aro my love‘s eyes. Oh tlie rain ! U’»th the smell of youug \vhe:it froui the u, l uul pl iin—rhe rain that comes (>ver the hill. The r.iin that corn»»s over the hill — tlie min. The miyhtv aml iu*>roi!ess nin. That drenches tho gieeu,sh king the w>odlaii(l, and swceps Like au avi!anche over thoxlira, tossiug steeps. Oh the r«in ! That falls w;th a r >ar on the vale's g;-.tssy tl >or — The r«iu that coraesover the hill. The rain t!iat c >mes ovor the hill —the rain ! The gleeful and glittering nin, That plays hide and-seek with the sun aiul the aluule, In showers of jewels thut sparkle and fade. Oh tbe rain ! the deep meadow aud and lauglis in the glade— Tbe raiu tbat comes over the Lill. The rain that coraes over the hill —the rain ! The gracions and plentifnl rain Refreshing the sun-f<hrered spaces accnrst When Ihe forest !s fa:nt and the fields are athirst. Oh the raiu ! That brings back her sonl to the Snmraer ngiin— The rain that comcs over the hi 11. The rain that eomea over the hill —tho rain ! The dewy, rniraculoas ruin, With the comforting donds that drift close to the breast 0f the transfignred Earth, by the soft mists caresscd. Oh tlie rain ! That disturbs not, nor breaks tlie eneh mtracnt it makes - The rain tbat coraeaover the hiil. The rain that comes over the hill —tbo rain ! Tbe tearful nnd tremulons rain That sobs by the wide-ojien windows at dawn Where tbe grieving tr* es weep oa tlie uiosHless lawn. Oh the rain ! F.d!ing softly, like sfaudows of hoj>es that are gone — Ti.e rain that comesover the hill. —R B Barns Wilaon. Anchor-;-Saioon Ex “AUSTRALIA.” Auother Invoice of the World Rciiowue<l FREDERiCKSBURG UGE8 BEER On dranght and by the keg. Aiso, aa a Speciaity, Small Fresh California 0YSTERS. KOli CGCKTA1IS f«3- Im