Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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| ĪHe Pf\IZE -i -i - iVnheuser-13usch Brewing Co. Wim the I?rize at the World’s l?air with their ! EAGL J3rand J3eer. Pt Louis Oct. 2S, 1393. jilESSBS. Macfarlane & Co., L'd, Honolola, H. I. Dedr Sirs: —We liave mailed you a copy of t!ie Globe-Democrat annoanein" the great victo*y won by t!ie Ānheu3ER-J3csh AssociatIO.v witb tlieir ‘'EAOLE’’ Braud of Beer. '[Signed] » ANHEUSER-BLSH BEWING ASSOCIATION. i & 5, N 58 £ % ¥* C3 £ : 5 ■ 2 * RISHW& lu ordering this Beer besuretoask fortbe “EAOLE” Braud. \Tacfarlane <fc Co., M.ir. 14- -2md. Ayent* ftr Hawaiian Idanda. AT THE CLŪB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cai. Sept. 23, 1893. Siro. Prv>nipter, 2,305. >>y I’l e BnU. 75: D;iin, Orace, hy Hnco»ineer, 2,656. Prompter is »lso the Sire of Aj>ex. 2:26; Tmnvit, 2261; Walker 2:2.V'.; W«les. 2:27i; Chico, 2:24; aud of the D!iuis L>rill:«utiue, 2:17 an<l Vipt>r, 2:28. “Creole’’ is ,iet lS><ck, oue hind wbite ft>ot nnd hiuull stripe iu f-oe. Weiphh 1,050 ponnds; is very stylish, gentle, n j 2'K>d prodncer •n 1 > panie r»,ce I orse, Will st>ud f»r a luuited unmbēr of mares af FI1T V U50) D01.LARS FOB THE8FASON, pay«ble nt tinie of s»Tvice. This horse ' «as bred ia 1892 to forty sn mares au l produced forty-two <m ts. feb 17-im 13 11 DAVIS. I ORDWAY & P0RTER Rohinson IVoci, Hokl St. y helween Forl.and Nuuanu, E!iv< Jrst T< <« <’. ]1 1 11!< / 1 i'm >. H < 1 1/ <1 1 £f< <1 cf EUE MHTiE E\ti Ini] oitcd to t* is C«mntry, Com[:rigiug Ha ndsoms Carved Bedroom Ssts In Solicl Onk, anj of ihr LATEST DES!GXS. ESrECIAb ATTENT10N lb CALLED TO THESE SETS: WIOKEH WARE, Beaut f>d Des gus <>f W ick-r Ware, cousist ug of SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS. eto.,v<m eaa get t!iese iu any ! FINISH v<» i <lesire. ch:aibls, Countless numbers of CHAIHS. in *-verv stvle, iucUiding 0FF1CE nnd HIGH CHAIRS. We b»ve lmd a nnn>ber of oalls for tbese Tables. \vitb CHA1RS t> matcli. We have now in st<»ck t!ie most BE£UTIFUL DINING R30M FURNITURE EVER SEES HERE Sideboards and Chiffoniers ī7Dī va ]\rs.^ D vans cover» d wltb POKTIERS are becomiug qnite fbe r.«ge in plaee <>f LOL NG£S -»v manitfaeture t:ie<u to <>nler. aud have a laige stock of PORTTERS to sel ct fti>m. EETDIITGGre*t Assoitmentof WOVEN W IKE ilATTRESSES—Spring. H«ir. Moss, W«»ol and Straw Mattres«es o» liaml and m.ide to order. UVE GEESE FEATHERS a. d SILK FLOSS fur PU:ows. CR1BS. CRADLES, e?c. WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s. CORMCE Pl)LES, in wood or br»ss trimraings. EEPAIEI1TG-. Mattresses, Loungcs aud all UpboIstered Faruitore repaircd at reasou»ble n tes. CABINET MAKINO. io all its brancbes, by Compeaent Worknnen. MATTiNG LA1D »nd Int rior DecoDti. g ander tbe Sat>ervtsiou of Mr. OEORGE ORDW’AY. Oor Gooda :»re F rst C1 ss, and •■>ar prices are l e’loirest C >mo and be c>nTine«d—a tri;d i» s >lic ted. Bell 525. TFXEPH»>NES: M>lt»Hi (VIV OBDWaY «fc PO£T£B. R>)b;nsoo iiiuek, L«>twt»>u iu<i *»u*l Nuuauu