Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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HWH HOLOf/!Ui\, 1S PCELIsnLD Everv *Aftemoon EXCEPT sr.VDAT BY THE Eolomua Publishing Co. At King St. (Tbomas block), Honoluln, H. I. 3fcth, 50 ctr. Tli<* pa>-<‘r i« ’eli»» re 1 ly r<«rrieni in t’ie towi nti>) fcnli’tri>-. S'Oale Cotiie* f T K ile ■ t Ih N>tr» Dealers «ikI at tLe OfBie of pcl>licutiou. ED»USD NOF.R!E. - • Edilor ASRAHA'.1 FERNANDEZ , - Manager X()TICE. A1! Hnnine-n CoinmnPiOiitions sbonH !>e , «! ;ie el to Al>ralinm Frruauifez, Mon >• Inla, H. I. < 'orrest - u lenee aiul Conitn>iniratious for pnlilii ;ion nUonld be nd«lres«ed tn the Editor Ilnwni- Holuuinii. No notice will be paid to nuy unouymou8 comiuunioatious. I Susiuess (^ards A. P. PETERSON, ATTOKNEY AT LAW. Ofl3ce: 113 Knahnmann Street, Ilonolnln Iluwaiiau Īs1ands. CHARLES CKEIGHTOX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offiee; 115 Kanlmminn b‘.reet, Haiiolaln Ilnwniian IsUuds PAl’L NEUMANN, ATTORN'EY AT LAW. 31-1 Mercbaut Streot. Honolulu Mntnnl Telepbone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND OOUNSELLOR AT LAW. Offlce. Cld Capitol PniMinp. (Hoaolnln Hole', adjoiuing Post Offiix>, Houolnlu. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OfBco, corner Iving A* Bothol SU LEWIS J. LEVEY, Koal Est;ite and General Anotioneer. Oorner Fort nud Quecn Streets, Hooo'u’u Personttl nttenti->n g ven to Salcs of F»rnilare, Real Estate, Stock aml Geneml Merchandiso. Mnlnnl ī-'leplione ":tS. a. rosa; ATTJRXEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumanu St. , Houolula. Hawaiian Islands. U. E. McINTYRE & BRO., Gbockkt, Feed Stoue <fc Bakery. Corner of King and Forl Sts., Honolulu. i]mpire Saloon, JAYIES OLDS. FKnm<)i. Fine Wine& Liqooi% EeeP, ALWATS CN HAND. Comcr Nuuana and Hotel Sireets Bell Telephoac 241. l’ost Offic« Eoi 107. W. S. LUCE ‘Wine and Spirit Merchant e-impheU Fire~proof BUxJc, MERCILANT ST. UONOLULU