Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

CI 1EAP FURNITURE ! YING FAT & CP, C< ix< r < f Kirg r r.d BetLel I?tR.. H< i.olnln, Offtr a iaige «ssort »»ent of fine ul(1 disiri.be ITHMTURi:, wl.'el yat * v*’Ty low Cgrre. 1 <>t»-»d«. Eoieuoa. Me;.t S;:ffs AV;iidioles (tc.,at pricts to Mct evt*n b(dy. Cail ai.d it-j tct for yooreelres. nv x 12 VIKO FAT k C0. NAfl-YU-g[l0$lA JUST 1;ECEIVED fr< m JAPAN » Scveral Kiud of Co’.ton Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts in different qnuhties. Cjiut cf pcrcelain Tea Stts a Sj'ecia!ty J.nj'n: m‘ Lantems and tnnny C«rirs M.ilahle for CLrislir,ns Goods. 411 KINC S1J:ELT, llonololn. Teli{.l i.ee, J’*il 474. l'.O. Hoi 3S6. Mulnal 544. onl3 lui Criterion Saloon PI'H AUSTRALIA, &nother lnvoicoof Ihe celebrated JOUN WEILAKO EX T^A* PALE Also,;a Fkesh Invoice of C\LlpO^Nl^ oy S JEF^S For. °Y s T Ef l COCKJ/ylLS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. Sans Snuci Hūl'EL, WAIKIKI, HUNULULU. 5-1 l Firsi-Cf8ss Aeeommooaiions for Tourisis and /s!and Guesis SUPER/OR BaīHING FACIUTIES. Frrvate Cottages for Farr!he6. XT- A. S1MPS0N. lUn%g*r. -