Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

H. MAY, & Co., Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters AN'D Provision Mercliants 9S Fort Stre:it. - Honoluln Families, Plantation.s anJ Sbips supplied with cboicest Eu ropca n <C* A merica n G roceria> California ProtIuce by Everv Steomer. NOTICE The partuership heretoforo existing between Freilerick Harrison and Arthur H irrison. under the firm name of Harrison Bros. as Contractors and Builders, bas beeo,bv rantual consent dissolved, and all j>arties owing said finu are hereby notified that pnynient of the sarae mnst be niade to Frederick Harrison, who is autbori2ed to settle said business withiu thiity days from date. Fkf.derick Haukisox, Arthub Hakrisox. Houolulu, II. I., M »rch ‘i7th, 1894 raar 28—1 w. T.H.Davies&Co KAAHUMANU ,st.. Honolulu, : : H. 1. GENERALam. Commission &*■ Merehants — AN*D — SUGAR FACTORS. AGENT3 F04 Lloyds :— Br.iuu »ad Forrign Miinn-- Insnr•nee CuapaDr. L iuitcd. J*OTt'icrn A.*«snra C>. tire & llf •. Pion ♦r Line oi PaekeU fr u LfvH iwuiian Liu« of Packet.s

eaaalian Paeīlle Railway Co. ***> Caaaliaa-Aiistraliaa Steaas’iiD Co. Liverpocl r mei: Tie AU* tr, OM HiJ] St. 6RUGE & A. J. GARTWRICHT Pmmm of • Fi<!nci*rr Tr>nMcted. Pnini) t ai'enhon (prtn to ihe mina£rmeat ut l »teteK. Gn ndianshi{m, ele., etc.. ele. Ojnces, : Cariur'vjhl BuihJtng. M«rvhant Street. Hoooinln. CHAS. GIR0LER, Impoi*ter a.ul Commission Merchant. SPBTALTK>i: J. X P. Cuti«' Mielia* T'ur.»l Jonjs Brooks’ Maehine Thre*d HnihonPa Lioen Thn*d Pe*rs’ Soap P. O. Box 3M. Mnloal Tet pV n* 5« 13 Ka#Snmai«n Stn*t. W. S. LUŌE Wine and Spirit Merchant C'impheU Fin-proof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU