Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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H, E, niPORTERS A>D DEALEKS I>' Oroceries, 3 z> rovisions A5D !Feed, EAST CORXER FORT A KIXG STS. New Goods Rec’d Bv exery P»ictet frora Ihe Eastern States and Eorope. Fresh Ca!ifornia Pr<xluce by erery steamer. All orilers fa'thfallv attended and Goxls delivered to anv part of the city FREE 0F CtlARGE. Island Ordors Solicited. Sat sf.«ctiou Ga*r»nteed. Pots OŪiee Box N *. lAō. Te!ephone No. 92.

LAND3 AT AUCTlOX. Bv virt«e of an or>ler issneil hv the Conrt throii£rh the Chief Jnstice, Hon. A. F. Judtl. in rej»anl to the Case of M ILLIAM WATSOX et al. n»\inst D.iv;d Watson, there wi 11 be sold at Puhlie Aneiion, at the Auelion llooms of James F. Mor<r »n, at 1*2 o’eloek noon. on SATURD.\\ A; ri! 23. 1894. All those ?n-e-inises situated at Kaneohe, K >olaupoko, Oahu; and raore particnlarlv designited as folloivs, to wit: Lot 1 3.80-100 acres Lot 2 421 “ Lot 3 37.96 “ Lot 4 7.3Ō “ All are }>nrts of Royal Patent 174 to l’aul F. Manini. Lot ō .20 acres Lot 6 20 “ All are p irts of tbose prcmiso8 conveved bv Kainehameha . to David Watson, bv deed dated Dec. 29. 1862, and recorde»l in Liber 16. p*ges 127 and 123. Title perfect. Deeds «t tbe expens« s of the Purclmsers. For further particulars apply to Wili.iam C Aem, Attoruey for the Commissioner, or to S. M. KAAUKAL Comraissioner. Honolnln. Feb. 23. 1894. Lot 7... Lot 8.., Lot 9. 20 “

Hknry Conodon. L. H. Dee. California Wiuo Co. —JOBBEES of— W ines. Spirits, & Beers. Anel in f ituro t*ie bos;ne8» will be carrie<l «>n nn<ler tCe n<me aml style of “C\LIF0KNI v WINE CO at 407 Fort street Mcln*-r-uy B oe k.

LABOK BDREAD, THE AMEIUCAN LEAGUE Begs IcM\e to annonnee that it lia» est »b islied an E nployment Bnre«n in connection \vitli tbe American Leagae e wil! be pleaseJ to fnrnish yon with skille.l or nnskilled iabor without any fee for the eng.«giug »nc!i inbor. The ? abor enrolletl with ns is of the following n it:on ilities: American, pt>rtuguese, Hiwaiian. Gerraan, And other Enro;»ean N >tionnlities Begg»ng le«ve to open a correspondeuce witb you on tbis snbject, We remain. Yo.ir obeJient servants, The Americax LK«orF E»pd.iMF..\T BCKF_vr, AJJressall eomm micitions *to THEO. P. SEVERIS, Secret«ry mar 23-tf. P. O. Box 49S. tfu4 Wo \ 00. Xo. 23 Xna«nn Stn«(, Hinula'n Co|«pissio|i ■p»2 ly

NotieeDnriB; »t ahMw fmsn thlmy hrot wr LEC 1*01 of tbm Fina of Sbb \ II *r I-ttng Kw nt Wiiiina», ObLb, Uull «ct for nw vith foll po«erof Att rney. KWAI YfE» Of 0»Lo. M -r. 3Ci.