Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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I Kamehameha l Concert. §Iees, Ghorises, i Va?bles Ghdi — asd — ScHook B\jio. TLe BOTS wi'l be assisied by others bit ara doing mosi of tbe work THEMSELVES. to t.ike plaee Saturday, - April 7, at 7:45 P.M., at Kawaiahao • Church ADMISSION ; : 5 Tickets f.»r Sile at Castle & C'X»ke’.«, Thram’s aml Ilawaiian News Cj. mar31 1 w. OCEANIC SteamshipCo Time Table. LOOAL LINE S. S. AI7ST R ALIA. Arrive Hanolnln Le.we Honolnln tram S, F, ror S, F. Feb. 24 Mar. 31. M;ir. 24 M:tr. 3. Anr. 21 Apr. 24. M iy 19 M.y. 2(5. Ju ie 16 .June 23. Th • 'ineFrom Siu Frm. f.»r Sydney. Arrlve Honolulu lū 12 10 7 5 2 30 27 23 Frora Svdney for S.in Francisco. Leave Honolulu. F0RSftLE. 0OLTS AND FILLLES by “NDTGROVE n 2.22 out of »nch mares «s ••Saky” 2.21} triti2.lt. “Peele” 2.3(i. “HhII iween” daui o( “Miss Halloweeu” 2.2t, an l ‘51011 Rosa’ 2.21, “Pwinkln” 2.30%, “Lady i'owew” aud other pood mares, nlso. “Droi>t)er” pnpoiea. (cross between Setter «nd Fouiter), thoronghbred oa both sides. Blne Pellon English »etter Bitch “Mīnuie X ible,” « prize wiuoer iu bench «ad tield. stea ly aod aUnueli. Ko m«a his « bett-r th'iron?liiireil. Jersey Bnll, by "L’a.’i King” onto( “Jersey Lillie,” re?ist«rel. 3 mileh Cowj. For fnrther iiort.cnl.-trs, APPLT to A. J. CAI TWRIGH”. M«r I->-tf.

Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-cluss Bathm}i Cesort Uas been enUr(;eil unJ is now open to the pnblic. It is the best p'uee nn the islan ls to enjoy a bath und there is no bettei plaee to l»v otf. S|*ecial aeeominoil.itiuus for Ladies. Tramcars pa3-> ihe d<>or every hulf ho ;rand on SaturJ «ys »nd Sundays every fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHcRWOOD Pn>prietor. MESCHASrS EXCiLLMGE, &. I. 8aAW.JPMrur*«, ~CROTCE Ī.IQUO.RS and F1A'£ BEER, Corner of King and Nni.-um Sts.. Mnfaul TeL 423. Uuuoluiu.