Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

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! ' fW« do not bo!d onneim rwpr)a*;'bl* for tbr opin-om or the a:ienace* af oor oomwpoaieaU.] ; Editob Holomta: • “American'’ in tbe HullHin of Taesd*y evening has r<tised an interestiug point, one whieh it will be well for some of the p. g. enthusiasts to consid3r very carefolly. Perhaps tbe foiiowing er- ! tracts from the BritLsh and the United States nataral zition l*ws »vill be iateresting to that corres|K»cdent. BEITI.SH NATIOSALITT AXD 5ATUBAL1ZATI0X. Natur«l born British subjects ean onlv deprive therasclves of British Nationality; (1.) ]f they happen to be born in tbe British dorainions of foreign parents, • in whieh case they raay, if of fall age and if nnder no disabili- ; ty, raake * dcdaration of alieni»ge; (2 ) If tliey volantarily beeome natnralized in a foreign state. * * * * Shonld British subjects born in foreign conntries retain their 6ritish Nationality, and continne to res:de in the conntry of their birtb, their British NationaIity wlll not avail t’iera if claimed as sabjects or citizens of the conntry in qnestion. “An alien to whom a certificate ! of natnralizition is granted shall j in the United Kiugdora beeotitl- j ed to all polilieal and otner t rights, power. and priveleges, and ■ be subject to all obligatiops. to i whieh a nataral born British j subject is entit’ed or subject in the Uiitvl Kingdora, with this qnaiification, thut he shall not. when within the lira ts of i the foreign state of wliieh he : was a snbject rrevionsly to ob- 1 taiuing his certificate of natnral

izition. be (leemeil to be k Britisb aubject unless be bas ceased to be a subject of tbat state in pursuance of tbe laws tliereof. or in pursnance of a treaty to tbat etiect.” NATCRALIZ.VTIOX LAWS 0F THE UNITED STATE3. Au alien seeking naturaI!zition as a citizen of tbe Untted St ites must declare on oath, at Ieast t\vo years before bis admission that it is, bona-fide. bis inteution to become a citizen of tbe Uuited States, and to renr*unce fnrever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign state or ruler, and parti cnlariy to tho one <>f wbicb lie be at t‘>e time a cit zen or subj -ct.

At tbe timo of Lis appliealion for aclmission be must also elaclare on o»th b«fore a proper oourt, ‘‘Ihal be will support tbe Constitnlion of tbe Unite«l States. »nd tbat be abs)lntely a;:d entirely renounces aml abjures ali ailegiance anel fiile!itv t) every foreign prince, poteutate, state or sovereignity. and particul>irly, by name to tbe prince. poteutate, stato or sovereignity of wliieh he was beforo a cit.zen or snbject. Cbapter VII, Article VIII, of Civil Code re!ating to the n<toral zation of foreignors in tbe Hawaiian Islands, was ameneleel in 1887 during the speciul session of tbe Legislature helel in tbat year, anel the (to them) obnoxions sec tion (No. 432) was dropped out by tbe gang now in power, who iu tb >t year bad n raajority in tbe House. Tbe section read as fo!lows: '‘hvery foreigner so natnrjlized, sba:l be deeined to all intents und pnrposes a native of tbe Hiwaiim lslands, be amenahle only to tbe lu\vs of tbis Kiugdom, anel to the anthority and contro tuereof. to be entit led to tbe prutection of said laws, anel be uo ionger amenal>le to uis native Sovoreign while residing in tbis Kingdom. nor entille-.l to resort to bis nntive country f>»r protectiou or interventiou. He sball be auieu ible for every sncb resort, to tbe piius au i pauaities anuexedto rebeilion bv tbeCrimind Code. And every f »reigner so uaturalize l, sball be ent tled to ail tbe rigbU, privileges and imiuunities uf an Uawaiian subjects.” Now, that tbey are in temporary power. Ibey put forward the same aeeiiou d.ff»reiitly worded. bjt witb tue same inteut

The pg. style is: ‘*I :lo solemoly sirear in the preseuce of Almighty God that I will tuppori and bear true aUejianc’ to the Proeieioual Government of the Haimiian aml will oppose 4ny Ntteuipt to re-estabiish monarchical gorern;neut iu the Hiwaiiau Islaods.’ > Aiter re«ding tha foregoing, it appears ratber "e tb*t, anv foreiguer taking tHē* p gbath forfeits hia allegiance to bis o* - n ooaatry.