Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Tie CbaiQpioxx is ag»in in port. A uein;pap3r carrier is wanted at tbis o£ce. Poliee not paid yet Great gorernment tbis. There was “no cards” at tbe htest matrīmonial erent The Monowai is 25 miles off, as the Holomua goes to press. Dr C. A. Peterson has made appl c ition for tue office of Port Pbysician. Weathcr »oraewhat soltiy to dH_v. Light win(ls from the N. Temperatare 86 degrees. The one day later news bronght by tlie Robert Lewers is of little acconnt: notbiug LLawaiian. The Chinese were formerly the | favorite element with theSunday- ! school te.(chers it has heen snper- ! cedetl bv the Japane.>ecoutiogent. The Ro>jcrl Le'ver», a schooner from San Frnncisco, arrived tbis ■ mnrning wit!i news J ites to the | 8th inst oue day Iater tban the Anstralia. The popn!ar dancing ncademy ■ whīeli Mr. D.in Lyons bas inang | urutcd so saccessfaliy «t Arion : Hall deserves tbe patrouage of j thepoblic. Tbe eooneila nre meet!ng to j d iv. Tbe consideration of Ja:ie | llth as n holidiy will be bronght I u;> and tlie day will be declareda I pnblic holidav. J ) The elimale forbids tbe distress j whieh ex;sts iu tlie United Statfs bnt tlie »lways hospitable natives j are uow pressed c!ose to tbe edge I of poverty. Toorists willpleise: uote. ®»Thc Hawaiian Hardware Co j raerely await the arrival of tbe Monowai to g ve a short but iuteresting story to the puhlie. j Look iu their eolumn to-morrow. j I Rusinoss is entirely at a staud- j still on nccount of tbe Goveru- j ment keeping its cash c!ose. If the raen-of-war Ieft tbis port the doIlars tbat tbe men leave here wouhl be Sad!y missed. Thero seems to be a sett’ed Jotermination to keep W«gner with in the confiues of the Poliee St>ition. He is now “moukeying” with Captaiu L irsen, the chief of detectives, by driving uround tuwn iu a c»briolet. The Postmaster General received fnll files of papers tod«y, iucluding Iatest dato. He willingly supi>Iied the eveuiug papers w.tb his copy, but the master of the Robert Lewers, whieh vessel brought the papers, was uot conrteous to newspaper men. There was n qniet wedding last eveoing 011 B k ;i-et.inia street, uearly opposite tbe Hotel entrance, and in whieh the j»rincipals \vere Miss Wolf and Mr Chase, tho twain becoraiug one before a Iargo githering of friend& The occasiou is rep *rled to bave been a most happy oue. and brido and groom received many congratulations aud presents.

Tbe Houololu Press Clab w 11 raeet tomorrow eveuiug, It is rep«»rted lhat one of the officers bas boen heavily fined for a ncglect of duty and tacit insub<>rdinatiou. The Cluh will move inlo uew quarters aud heeome a public orgauiz.«tion iu the uear fature; at present they are a sort of Aa:erican league.

Tbe Board of HealLh meetiug yesterday afterno<n had bnt liUle business oj)enly before it viz: (11 the pnrcbase ol Dr. Troasseau's lanneh. Befused on tbe recommeudation of Capt>iu King and Agent Reyn <lds. (2) ApplieaLioo of Dr. C. A. Petersun for office as Port Physician. Placed on file. (3) Leper settlemeot petiti«ns that Dr. Goto be appaiuted resideot physician. Xot acted on fortber than that he be retained iu preseut positzon at $300 per moath, for une y>ar.