Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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■ ■ ■ ■— t - I THE WELL KXOWX THOROUGHBRED HUXN1KG STALLION “Dnke Spencer” Will Stind the Seas’n «t the Sfc»bles of A. J. CABTwsioirt | £sq., Makiki. Fee. Fiftv Ou’.l-n»; p»V'ble at t m-> of service. Ooōd e.ire taken of Mares; nol resp ns;ble for accidents. —Dake Spenc*r, bay: boight. fifteeu an»l t*-.ree-qnarter haods: of tbem-.*st gentle disi>osition. m r 10 AHUNG «& Co. tyi f clja!ifc TaiIors i^epate$ IfrrAxr Srasrr, nolf* Ppi». E.wha H alu Hoaololu. *LARGE ASS*»RTMF.NT «f PL.jrn-.' s C*s-amH-n*. dotk, BraHs. Fottoa<, jsaortei trimaiings. XEW PATTERS Pi«R.naN aai Thoroughbred D0GS for Sale THE ENGL1SH SETTEU “ Honolulu Grirl,” I BreJ «t the Glenmore Konne’s, ; Berkeley, C «Ia. Registered (N *. 31.093) A. K. CS. B.. N*-» - Y rk. Sired br l.pe R., -*:nner o( Di?rby nt ihe Ph; ! cific Co.ist P.eli Trml itt B ikerstieM in IS:»0. Le by Rodney (9.490l ln>m Puy.hs II (2.1«ō>, Rodacv. the sire of l.ee R . I>v !>>< D.. i (rom K ite D . 13,715) fr >n l*ayll.s II [2 165) ) R »ke [212] fr»m Phjllis 474. The dum of Uou luai L.irl whs Belle GLidstone. the oaly daa«htcr ou the P.»rific 1 Co<iHtof ehAmpion Gl»’.sU)>ie (113); from Zell, (3,Sfi4).; by Dan, £1,336), from Gham- j pioa Petrd, [8,427]. THE POINTER ‘Honolulu Duke/ I (30,853), bred at the Shnbb >na Keunels ( Ottma, 111. j by r>evon«tiirc Son, (7,84.71; from Sh>iri's. (5,2G3). The D.ini of ll>>n>>lnln Dnke is i Uelle, by I«ck; from Belle D. by Triukett's Bung, (4,117). Honoiuln Duke is thoronghly br> ke oa phe smts. \vitb st«uncii I po ; ots—m all-d ty d> g. F>>r fnrtber p.irticulars. apply to or address W. M. CUN!M!NGHAM, mar 10 Anchor S.vloon. 1 WM, DAVIES, Rigger, Stevedort' and WEeekeE. ESTIMATES AND COXTBACTS ON ALL Km»S OF \V0BK. — The 9choooner MAHIMAHI, will rnn regnl!iriy helween thls port nni Wm«1>]«, Ka«r«ili ipii, Mokaleu», Kenwenuī »nd Kniki >>n the isLind of Onhn For freight, etc , «pp!y to tlie Cuptoin. Best of References—Inquire al Offic • of J. S. Walker. ov r Spreckels’ Bauk, or Wrigbt Bro? Fort Street. dec 16-tfi C. T. AKANA | īailop! 324 Nnuanu Street Ali Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in tbo Latest Style. Clotbes Cleaned nnd Repaired. no!7 Chas. T. Qulick NOTARY PUBLIC For tbe Island of Oaba. Agent to Take Acknowledgiienls to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant M«rriage Lieenses, Honoinlu, Oabu. I Agent for tbe Haw'n Islands of Pnr A Scott's Freigbt anū P«rcels £xpress. Agent for tbe BnrIington Koate. M EiUle Mer aii Heienl iieil Beli TeL Mā; -Mul, Tel. 139; P, O. Boi 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 MERCHANT Street, Hunolulu, H. I. THOMAS LINDSAY Mannfuduriruj JevxUi a\d W(UchinaJ*r, l|f «■!■/-Waak. |0B Von 8k. Bbw>Mb.