Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

DAHCIHG 6LA88E8. Ū\N LYON’S’ D.ANCIN'0 CLASS will he change<I from the Dsill Shed to Aeion Hall. whieh he hns reat«vl for TDE8DAY, THUBSDAY aml SATCRDAY ot eaeh week. The S ttarday organized clasa for Children will meet nt the Arion Hi»ll nt 2 o’eloek Satordty aftern*«on. April ”th. Un Taeslay erening, April 10th. at 7 o’eloek, a c!ass will bc formed for Men and Boys. On Thnrsday afternoon, at 2 o’eloek April I2th, k npeeial elana will be formed for Hitw tiians. The chatges for all day Pnpil* will be 25 oents a lesson. Ou the above days Mr. Lyons ean be seen at tbe llall from 9 to 12 uoon. 3654-2t. WANTED. , A BRIGI1T BOY MUST HAVE a Lorse to del»ver oewspapers. Apply at the HOLOMUA OFFICĒ, Tbomas Block, Kiug Street. tf. LEWiS & C0.. Wholesate and Retail Grocers AXD PBOVISI05 DEALERS. FRER CAUF0RN1A 8ALM0N ONICB By Erery Han Franciaoo Steamer. Salt Salmox n Babkels 'a Specialtt. II j F<*t SL, HonoUhe. TcL’jhp> & <X J?a*99T.