Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 79, 5 April 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company.

M.trch 14. 18*4. The f;«ct tbat but less than one hnnJred patents have been issnetl ! by the K.iw.iiian Gōrernment .loes not spe«k ▼olnmes for the | inventlre abi!ity of the resiilents | of this country. Nor are all tbe mteots to Hawaiiana, miny of them, perl]«ps a majority. are merely people in tho United States who wish to prctect their intorests all over Ihe world. We have had a palent issaed fi>r tho Joncs Locked Fence. beemse wo saw that it was a ' g<x>d tliing. aml the people who ' liuihl fenccs believed it the best j thing they h:\ileverseen. Certain j>:irties bad m contemplntion tho mannfacture of the articles □sed in the Locked Fence, and ! we did not think th«t «n imitition article wouKl be half as goo\l as the original, henee, tho patent ' on Hawaii. | We h ive heen selling the Jones Locked Fenco for a year , and its popularity is growing | every day. As an evidence of what the Fenee is thought of by a ! geutleman who is thorooghly wull posted in cattle and fences we publish tbo following letter: “Kapapala Rmch. Kau. H.iwaii, March 10, 1894. : E. R. Heneln-, F.sq., i Manager Hawaiian Hurdware Co.. Honolulo, Deir Sir; I hnve jnst completed some three miles of t!ie * Jones Loek ! : Fence” and mnst s>y th«t I am very mneh pleased with it. iu fact it is Ihe fence for a tancb. I had abont a miie to constrnct over “pahoehoe” where it was noarly 1 impossible to get a post down, ;ind fouud in tliis case, especial)y, the “Jones fence” was a great saviug of 1 ibor. There ure pl.ices in lhis E#uoe whcro the posts are | at least 73 feet apart and the | space between filled in with stags. There is no sag to it and i it is as springy as a wire mnttress. [ am confi-k*nt that it will turn my onlinaiy aioek. I have some two uud a half miles more to construct over a country whero wild cuttle are very plentifnl, nnd as soon as it has nndergoue : the test thero, will wnte yon further. If it will tnrn the stock on this part of the land, and I feel confident it will, yon ean rest assnred tbat it will turn tnost an}thiog, eicept a Lava flow. Very Tru!y Yonrs, J. MONSARRAT." This shou!d conviuce tbe most skept:cal; if there are peopie who still doubt. let them eome to our store and inspect a sample. ne Hawaiiu Haiiian Ca., aor Fui