Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 78, 4 ʻApelila 1894 Edition 02 — HONOLULU PRATTLE. [ARTICLE]
As Expressed B y TexasCapel. T3B WRITE EI.EPHA\T H.rraii’ Haw.iii; cj h«drt it f.»r thee, For thon »rt broken-h-?on«vh f iīr i | of thf 3rA; | Yonr P. G’s gn»nd. thoj have on hand an elephanl so white. I When it stalks f '«h the pe>sple <!arv a?tonc V.l at rhe s!ght. Tlteir Arniv’s l*rge. v s! l.m,—r f.,r t : . n anr another l «u t, s<zc iin i |>!puiation ar< i. t!;- r hsud m h.'u 1, Ah! tb - P. ti. has aa • ’eph>mt, au • .r haot so yrbitt*, An-l ti’w t’i* y fft*r it w:U lv m. aud p .;.r l i: «!aj »11 : i. n t. (i ; :’ P. G. .* i n-'t i-e af— i-i, t'.i ii,.is i! will k‘-ep. It t u ’.i. ■ \t"i 1. e it !' t i > . r v Im 'ii ni v ii ’ \v< <-p Ai.! v.■ v \ 1 havt iii elt pliaiil, ;.U ei*-j'h.iīit > * ',v... ‘ . 'II ! ftt V »t 1-S" at 1 v. i; li.'H ’.a vritbor<t i» !'itter Sgat. T:t ns;Iv <ie::st » s V il !>_» v ii, aiul «rhst 1 • r,- t> -f ill H.'w ui, t’,e ' • i ;afu'. h<rre. j''e «n.l her a’I, WiU at the <!•>..rbe lvi<•; y r eteph<»nt s » white, 1 W’no w.i ,11 <*rash tiw W > > 1 f > a oitive lie rt>. their h»n>»r an.l t;.< r r.ght. ■ Yes! s u<l tl»e gentiet'um wiUi tbe heavy raoustacbe und goutee as Iie stood opposite tbo palaee tbe otber day. ,.Y eS ’ stranger tbat tlag shall eome down, and in it? ]ilace sball doat the alniiglity gridiron. Tbis sbow bas beeu run long enougb by missiouaries and a few higb-licenssd saloonkeepers. When the eagle swoops down bera, as it soon will. you sl<all tasto the sweets of equality aud liberty! Beer sball be fivo cents a scbooner. wbiskey ten ceuts a drink. Tbe teachings of the moss-backed raissionaries v,-i 11 give plaee to America’s ligbt of the world, “Spiritualism.” and all will be free and eoual onder tbe stars and stripes. Equalty and Fr iternity! Tlio free voter will equalize tbo coruer of every hloek as a suloon, and ali sball fraternize ut tbe bar. Y*ou bet tbe natives know wbat s good for ’em. Besides tbere will be uo end of fun and boodie at eleeiiou times. lti:s! roya!ty is’nt in it!'’ * * * kamehameha’s STATCE. I And shall take the oI.i ehief Jown an>l paee up these instead, Gecrge Washington, the Lintisht r, who had a bigger he«'I; Or shall it a i:raeeful, queeulj go.l.ie» be, | Her uol>Ie brot» suraj»aute 1 bv the np of liberty. j The oM chiefs dead, nnd so is Geurgo, both have seut ia thcir checks, j Then why shcnld cither of them stanJ the |bamunheart to vex; Well hrtve thnt live Amenean, whose name wil! ever staad. ! Thut twice-electe7 Deaiocr»t, smart Gr»ver Oevelan 1, | * * * 1 Tl t*se ar« a class . f meu iu I Hon a-ii who bav>‘ n< t oue pnrtilele of gntitudo. Tbe P. G bave for ovcr a year (siraply to ple;o*t tbis party) b«eu workiug b «r»i beiut.fy.ug tte Qac«?ns palaee ; and re-ruodeIiug tbe roya! side- : wallu». bes:d*-s re m<>deli ng tbe !streets in tbe neig!ib«rbood of 1 tue royal abo»le; iiuj.rovements | reaily quite unnecessary, wben tbere are so m my side-walks | needing repair in ot:ier p irts of | tbe towu. Stiil the R >yallsts ;are dissatisfied. * * * THE BRTnsHEB T0 CSCLE 3AM. | ”T«s! Uneie Sais yoa1I sb Tthc oat tf you I «an. ’ j Ba» yoa rnti!g ha.l a ting?r in the pie, old man!’* * • * I I I **Motber!’ ss 1 t ie f >or yearU:d, “vlut UiOa P. G lue.llll
Motber, * Sugir. love. P>rices G(reater> ani PvractieaIIy 1 not G,ranulatedl.” « « • T»AT UTLE JAT, T;ie Ts:le mm wh'.i ia J.»t'aa ha.l never »eea • dolhir. Bu now heeome » Cci-'aist aa-.l ts mneh ont of ”c, tUr. ” Hc'<? rn»htr <ln»g a ••pnenak" at ten oeuts f >r tfae d»T. Th*u work »»nt on Ūie ulan !s for a qa.vter “ W* SO\C. F THF « vriTVU>T. Hiwiii, H.w.ii. •. y b- <rt t’;.rhs w.,rm f. r tbee. F, r l.«v. r’d l.»a I w;ie”» .!<■’.! ;r< ll >at fnll fre* W.»«n īiiiew !,-<> ;n - vjaty u uo To lue Uio i w a p- r..-e; mme. l'il ceut js?r eenl when l'd luvc <t, I 1 <v, 1 t.i-e tue:» tha <'jh.f*>t, i»st: n .t n .w iu i»iu-:y f»ur— Iii > 1 ai t > 2 >' l-> me n. > m* >rv, K r I e-» i u<r ; y is <■;> al v-. Oa iīit*rps; <> .; t«en r v-tiv.-'. 1>: ;silir*ss ( 'i\ l’<; s ii. N*ol ••!•»* l^uhlie». oii• / •»’ neml ■>• Agent. Pntentee •>/ Lo>k's Chemical Compoi \n for CInrifying Cam Juice. Snb-Ao' nt f»r scvcral of the Best FIRE IXSriiAXCE COs. ilulnal l’elephoee ». P. O. Box’.1SS. i!erchant street. Honolnln.