Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 April 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company.

Marcli 14. l'P4 The f ict th.it bnt I-s> t’ > . ... hnpdretl j'.itenis Imvebt-on i» ’ hy tbe i:tn Goven’.;; (loes not spe:ik v Iiimcs f r • invent.ve ability cf t!io i — of t!iis conntry. Nor ;u •:. •; pateuts to Hawaiians. n ; tbem. pei!i ips a mnjor tv. merelv to people in tbo l .i: \ States who vvislj t«i ji» interests all ovei' tlu: \v«n ’« Wo Iiave li.ul a p.itent ; for t!io Jones Lnekeil F» i ■>. hecanse we saw tb«t it w goctl tliing, aml tiie pc >pl v , buibl fences believcil it ti ! « >t thingtbey liail ever seon. 0 : :i pnrties b:ul m conten,pl »ti «:j Uio inannfactnre of tbe arfclcs nsed in tlie Loekeil Fence. aiul wo (Fil not tbink tli »t in imit ?■ :irticle wonhl bo 1 1 aIf > l ,< tbe orig'nal, Lenee, t!io j\.t- .{ ou Hawaii. We b ive been sollii p' tlie Jones Loekeel Fence for a v« r and its j»opubirity is pr* •■ « j every day. As an eviiF'!;ce f wb;»t tbeFence isthon«»Iit « f ln a gentleman wbo is tboronpui} well jiostcd in catt!o and t« i. . we publisb tbe fol!owing lett»: “K.apapala li.neh. Kau, Hawaii, Marcb 10, E. E. Hendry, Fsq., Man.agor Hawaiian Huil«aro Co., Honolulu. De.ir Sir; 1 bavo jnst coniploted s mf tbree milos of t!ie ‘ J«>nc !.■ Fēnce’' and rnnst s«y tb »t I a-n very mneli jde.istrl witb it. ir. fact it is the Lnee for a rancb. I 1 1 .• • 1 «bont a mile to constrnct •'v«t “l>n!ioeboo” wbere it was ne trlv impossible to get a post «lown, and found in tbis caso, cspecia!ly tbe “Jones fence” was a givat saving of b»bor. Tbereare j)lacts in 1 h is Fenco wbero tbe po.sts ir at least 7Ō fect ajrirt aml t'• .sj)aco between fillod in w!tl; stags. Tbere is no sag to it nul it is as springy ag a wire mattr< ><. I am confidont tbat it will t.:ru any ordinan stock. I Iiaw >■ me two and a La!f nriles im>re t> construct over a countrv wlit*r0 wild c.ittle are very plentiful. aud ns soon as :t bas uad rg 'ii*-* tne test tiiere, will wnte y< u fuitber. If it will tnrn t!ie st • ■> on this part of tbo laml, aml I feel cqufi,lent il will, y>>u em r*. -t assnred tbat it will tnrn mo.-t anytbing, cxcej>t a Lara flow. Very Tru'y Yours, J. MONSARKAT.' Tliis sbo:ild convince tbe mcst skeptical; »{ tbere nre peoplo w'ao still doubt, Iet tbem eome to our stuio and inspect u sample. TH8 Hiwaiiaii Hardwars ;C3., II» »7 Fort btieeb