Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 ʻApelila 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


1 [ \Ve <• ■> n t bo].l o'irseI ves responsib1o frr t1i- ,.|.iu 'i!s or u:terancea of o<if I corresjiou lent3.] i i ■ Editop, Holomua: I n tlie .1 ■’ ■. r/undcr d ito of Marcli Sl, 1891, Ihe fo!low;ng ai'poan (1 iu llie hnn of an editor:al: “The Southern Deinncx - ats in tho Congress of t!io United States aro begiiining to roa!ize t!nt t’xey are deejdy concerued in tlio Hiiw.iiinn qnestion, because of its c'ose simil.irity t > t!ie nxr>t important one whieh nn.lei’i s {lie social and pol.lieal life « f tixe Sout,heni j)eo]>!o. “T!u re. ns liero. the issue is « w!:cther or not t!ie whita race, eiuluweel wi11 1 better brain, character a «1 educat on, aud liohline r> tlie l.ir.:« st j>axt of the wealth of tho co;uitry, sliallbe d'minated by a we ker mee, whieh experieueo :ibui;dant’y aiul sadlv s!iows will distnrb, u]>ror t and fi;ial!y dostroy good government wheuever ;t has the political eon- ! tr«>l. “Afi.r twcnfy years of experienee t!ic Noithern States of Aaieiiea aro beginning to see tlion;enace t > g««od goverumcnt, in i the iugro s. ffr. g ■ of the Sout’i. | * * * The sontIieni whitcs i to dav r<lain their y> lilieal confrol i Uy fl,e vse of t<hofyun, ov i i i < Jrplt rabfe, Vvt necessary. Hon- i ornblc men hope t > seci ro Ihe | r giit icsu.Ls by constitutional I niul just methods, n:;d to abolish the dcrjc«r.ilizii'g policy of force ’’ 1 ;o :talics ».boveare niy own i;d ea'l uttor.tiou to that part of t!ie art'c!o whieh is not only oj>en t > cr.t - , ism from a pk»l ticd st.»ndI i'oinl, i,"..t is contr ay to all sease of j ist.jj au.l g » Hl ui >r.ils. Tiie writer is re.illy an Amerj ican; and fira>ly believes ia the | d >ctrine of “A;uerica f >r Amer i u-:ins,’ ;<s weli :ts that with fore:gu uutions nnd g«vernraents | citucr as a nni ou <>r as iiul vid.ials we shou!J pmeiiee Oie« il «ctri:io of “hands off.’' Amerieau e; .zeus e mnot atf »rd to fit o ;t priv.t *ers, eit!;er npon tiie high seas or as newspaper corres ; po:idents. to meldle witli Ihe goods or ] rincip!es <>f a friendlv foreign j»ower. Therefore the I wr.ter disavows nnv inteution of qaest:oning t!ie course t iken by ; I the people <>f thrse islands to se ■ : c.:re the gre.itest happiness t«j ! ] t;ic grjat.‘st n iu:bsr, whieh, after I dl, is tbeubjectof ail govern- i ment. B ;J wiien America is so , s misaudcrstood und s > mal:gued. her c;t.Z)Qs. wi:erever they are, i < mnst b> ammt cow*rds, d>th?y ] nut make aa etf >rt to put the < wroag docr in order | I’ is ?o be fe «red tbat tho miod j i ihn diroota«l tlie |>enning of the j I (K.iUuul d j s not need argaiaeut I «o muah a« it ae«da «datiat.«a* 1 1

I If lhc conr«o of fbe S *ntb. since it> wnr • f «ec:S' : on is »trtl c*;l. it | v>!i f »ar.d th «t “Sonthern De : mocnts ia ti;e Congrerf of tl*r ruited SUtes ,? h.ne not yet eommenced to re .11 ze anythi»’g aa t>. j tue s;tuat.o:i of oar eommon coaatrv. Pef. ro tat «• r tbe Serret'»TT cf W«r cf the Umte«l St »tes w;is a rebel w!jo o£ed his b gh office lo cripp’e Lis conntry by dislribatipg tbe mnnitions of; w.ir, t!«e pn>pe«ty of I»is eounln . araor.gst b:> coantiy s e .e i;ivs Before ti e w:.r tbe b »Ps of Con- j fn"ess were D"!sy w>tb tne v< ie. of rebellion. T->-diy thirty ye xs ;.ft r t:;e South n*.is t\bipped into sn!>iuis>;on. there .re sixty-eig!:t r- l.el nrig-«diers in the of j Congres> aiul a son in h»w . f that 1 n- t rionsCubb. who was C ver n r of t>iatTvbtl sbin«!iter honse C ’>t!e Thnnder. :s t!»e Secretary of \Yar fnr the Uuited States. Since tbe war, tbe Soi;th his le rned notbing Its whole tn;:ul b ,s been be:.t to accomplish the d ’ininauu* of tbo wite 0\- i tho black. Tu iiccoraplisli ti»:s any m e iiis lias been j astifie,l, however “d ’plorable.” Tbe Sont!» < f tod.y is tlie Sontl» f forty ve>r.> with it> fi Ids neg‘ected and msti 1!< d. It li«gcis in th;- rc.in> of an ohl tent. wbere onee ;t liad bread and sbelter. nn 1 refns' s t<> believe tbat it will ever agiin find nr.glit so dear, s> sweet, so graceful as t!ie beaut fiil yos- | terd iv so well exeraplified in tiie "()Id Slavorv D.iys.” Sont!iern fat!iers and motliers sit aml weep | araid the rains < f their pet sys-j tfin. toncbing tbcir cl»ildrea tbe j crneltv «f those “\siakee rob bers from tbe Noith, wbodcsi>oiled tbem of their happiness. Tliey refnse to believo ia the ! new, the to-day; aml ever wal'; witb uverted eyes, like tīs«se m‘>usters \vbo ean only look baekw:»rd. “After t\ven!y years of esperieuee the Norlhern States of America. bave Iearned tIiat“AU men nre born free and cqnal:” smd tbat the Ia\vof Corapeiisation ! eanaol be evadcd; that it is the voice cf good politics as weil us j ji»stice tiiat says t > t!ic soul of tlie uiost debased: *-Fenr nof, then, thon ehil l iuhian, Tl ere's ro go:l i'.-ire \vrong n worni. L ;uu-' crowi’8 ele .ve to i e;erts, ■ A'td pmv. r to hiai who po .er ex< rts; Hust u.>t thy s!i .re? On wiuged tcet, Lu! it rnsh. s thee to nuet; .And n!l t'int N itur..* ni:ide thy owu, Fio itiug in iiir .r i eut iu stutie, Will rive t'.ie hi’.In nud «wiiu tlie s.m. And, hke fby s!uido\v, fo!lo\v thee." TVhat nonsens'3 this is. “Tiie while race is eudowed witb bet ter brain aml cbaracter tban the bbick. W*hy snpi ose be is ! Does that g've him tho rigbt to rob ; bis weakei' br>>(ber? i)nt is the 1 black laee inferior? TVliy there never was u slave so meau w’no I ditfered from yon. Mr. Writer. cxcej tiu tbe pos ton whieh f.>r j tiiiie aml tlie laws cust hiai. The history o{ r.ice d.stinction, «f | hmnan sluvery aii'l persecution is ! : a bistory t f emleavors to che.it n tnre, to ra ko water ruu uj> i hill, to twist a rope cf «and. It ! in.'i kes no ditierence wbether tbe j actors be raany or oue, a tyraut ! or inob. IIours of sanity aud j ; cons deration wili e me to eoniraanities, as to tiie iudividaals, wlien tlie triith is seeu and tho iust of composition is felt. A great man i.s \vi!liug to be ‘ittie. W hilst he s;ts ojj Ihe : cnsbions of advantage lie goes to : slcep, but araoug tbe tur>uents | and defoats of real l.fc be is nwake. Ho is cnred of that ins mity of eoueeil wliieh be- ’ lieves in race snperiority aud ( wliieh lorgs to rueet a good, ,t has not earned. No, fr:ends of hn;nanity. i of justice, cf good governmei;t nre not fonnd in soutli of Mason j»r.d D;x>>n s line. Tbere arc I whole citiis of dead, peopled by Northern n.-en, who died in defense of equ,d rhjht*, to black and white. The soldier, who live<l tbroogb ocr war, who l.vesto-d y I aud sees tbe m»nnors of our polit:cs, mav well congratu!ate those wl;o are l«ngsiuce wrappcd in tbeir sbrouds, and furever safe. Oar n tinn is siraply p »ying its I corapensative for wroug doiug. For over one bondred years npon every Soatb-ra p!antation w«s i heard tbo lasli of the tjsk-niastor 1 a»»d tho moan of tbo s!iito, »?ntil tbo workiug ra*n of the N*orth h tod hia conntry «ud his itHtaro. •nd iung_d £ur nouiu puw«r to J