Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 ʻApelila 1894 — Why They Don’t Vote. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Why They Don’t Vote.

Tlio P. G. org !ns are \vorried b.*'janst‘, the large m ijority of t!u* ;>< >; ' • refuse t<> register, «u<l i* •!!>■ wiil not vote. As f *r ;;s i’.o r ul.ca!s representeil bv •, .i* American League, aml Uie rortugu- se aro eoneemeil, \ve i>resumo, tliat they are n<*t qnite - it!sfio 1 liygettiug a Constitution wliieh t'i y know is a!ix* «dv cr.t iml dri< l in a ccrtain 1 awver‘s il» ic v-t'f3ce, aiul whieh will be r ii!ro <«Ua tbrough t!ioconventiou i>y t'io missi nary h»njoritv, aml i t .m out t<> be f r t!ie sole benetit f t!ie p!anters aml caj it ilists. i.ie r.i<lic-i!s thongh, nre perfectlv I able t > fig!it their own battle, uml we havo n > iloabt that they wii! do s>. The roason whv the Haw.i ians aml the l:iyal citizens i refuse t > j >iu tlie P G , soer,.s v. ry clear to us. Tbey have entered a so!emn protest to tae l' it d Statcs ngiinst the ilieg,il aeli n » f the Uaitod States rep- < resoutativ,s atul troops and receive«l assunnee that the consti- < tnt onal govenuneut of Hawai; j 1 w.U be re-ostablishetl. If they now j >:ne*.l in a uiove waieh i <; >tr<>ys l.iwfnl Consti- i *u{;oa <>f tbeir conut;v, thev j i wou!d h ive uo faitber elaim en | i tāo Uuited States or any i o?-icr cauLtry, and tLey woa!d i viitvialiy abamloa tiio positio i U 'ptml by thom. aud eodorse ; tho reTolation. ‘Xho F. G. or < fuigot that aofwroigu powon» t ...

- - | bave yct rccc>g-’:r' , d ;l pt *s .•» g verrnvnt »1« f:do bnt uot - ,v. Tho U-iite*J St »tes and li ;"i i ro • xc. pti ns. of cor.rse. The first r n;>try r c>gn zed tbo P. (L tl:rongh the cr; > in«l iC , .;«’ , n r*f S‘evens bēf re it W’S est :b’is;Hcl, wi.de E-ssi t ssnt ;ts rocogn tion tbrongb n misippre h ns : on «f f icts. Ko\r«-rvr. if thodes re f tbe P. G.. «nJ tbe :: . xatio .i'ts re;liy t■> est»b- .'!. a trn’v p >pnl ;r g< vern*aent. wo will u k • the f-!iowīng pro . -.• ■ r.vei t* n <-I ,1 I by a vote ns l rvsciihc.I ;n t<ieir l <\r, aud let t!;e oc!y oat!i r.eccss ry for a \oter to t *ke. b • an o th t > snpj rt t!;e P G. nnt.l the conrent n b.i' dec d- l wh.it f rra «>f g ver»m ent t!.e people <lesire. liiil it ni :s.t ’:<■• n:;.l rst > 1 th«t wh itevcr >>f fnn govern:aent the • ><a — repivSēutii gthepeojde—dc .'ides on sha»l be :ulhered tj, ;;nd 1>y«!!y snpported by «II — maj >rbv an l minor.ty alike. Oa!y s > e m a lrnly poj>«l ir gover i;i *n‘. be i:ist tnted, aud on:y uii i- circainstaiiees.can tbe H iw.ii ii' j >in t>io P. G„ aiul |iartic j ate in* ics wor :. As t;J aii:i«‘X it !l elnb cl;l' ns t > h w 70 0 v :lis enr lled «nd t!i>; t t»I \->ting jinp il..t on • is on!y 11.0 0, tli«;v P. G. wil! L.we a c'car ia >j >r.ty in tho conventi«>n, and eaii form any kiml of g> vernuient they *vant {>">. Tiiis i' it ii;e Aunexation eluh d dn't 1 e wlien the above figares w-.ro {iir;.islied to Mr. ]3lount. - 1