Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 ʻApelila 1894 — COERCION ! [ARTICLE]
F.eg:ster as a P. G. V ter. cr St?.rve! i lie re r 1 wliieh kf-pt by llio IluU ai A of tlu peopl - v, lio t : ■ ir n,nn> ' < tlje rfgistr.«tiou 1 sts as |i s;- e tive vot rs. >\il! i;< t bt ; s la-r*e n tO-mOJTOVV ;ls \V.1S uialoi’.l)* d V ex| €'ctt(l to 1)0 Ti;o rensoa f r the exp cte<l imraense n ;.s t!ie fiut wlj:ch lms gnne f<;itli 1 ,1> or<M-s in tlie vincynr«l of tlie Mrs Puualii B:s!ii.p es{ it<! :<t Kaliiii eall tl tli<- Kumeliaiueha School. ftnd to tho < lflct t!r t lhey mn-t regi>l< r s voters aud snpj’orters of t;io P. O.. if thcy <lesired t< be cont:nuod <>n t!;e pay ro!l. Xo argj{nont \vas allowt d to prevail agiinst ti;o d;ctmu ‘ r<’gst. roi starve” so. in the b< J;ef tliat they wero right, olev< n of tlie nien re' fusod to r«'g st« r nnd wcre knoekoil <>;.t < f Iabor. The iiatiics «f tli<*se H iwiiiins who rofused to he e >« rcod are Kanekoa, Muses Liwai, Kaui. Apa. Kailio, Akanin, N.anhoe. MMia uia, Eoieki and C J*. Moueso.