Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 77, 3 ʻApelila 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

T HE 7\f^DED, Anhenser-T3usch Brewing Co. Win? the at tbe AVoi*ld ? S Tair with their EAGL ii) J3rand Beer. Sx Lons Ocr. 2S, 1S93. Messrs. Macfarlane & Co., L’o , Houolnln, H. J. Dear Sirs: —AVo li«ve m:\iled yon a copy < { tl'.e Glo** -Democrat nnnonneiii" t!ie great victo>-v won by the Ānheusee-15csh AssociatION witli t!ieir “EAOLE’' BrauJ of Beer. L Si g nctl j ANHEUSER BC g HBEWIXG ASSOCIATIOX. I m. * $ & & % C5 * - £ 3 * 3«? ea % % a LRISKIS In orileriDg this Beei besuretoask for tbc “EAOLE” BranJ. Alacfarlane Sz Co., M.r. 14- 2md. A <\enfs f>r Hini'uiiini Ishinds AT THE CLTJB STABLES. “ CREOLE ” 21,702. Race Record: Fourth Heat 2:15. fiilade at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23, 1893. Sir.\ Promnter, 2,S(». by f'l o llnH. 7r>: I)nn. r,rw. hy Bnconneor. 2.853. Prompfer is nlso tbe Sire of-A(iex. 2:26; Tr in-.t. 2;2'i'; \\ .i!ker 2:2 !' ; W i!e-<, 2:2/; Cb:e ). J;_4: j nml of tbe P .m» l:rill>MUtiue. 2:17 a-id V«jp)r. 2:2S. ''Uiile’ i* vt bl-ick. o»e hmd ' wbite f.*ot and smntl slr pe iu f-re. Wei«Lt, 1,050 ponnds; i< very stylish, scntle, a . ! ciod nr.»clncer-n.i » g,iu:e mee 1 <‘rse, W’ill stni.lf.«r a Iimited nnmber of m-.res «t ! FIFTY DOLLAti8 FOR THE SKASON, p iy«b!e at time of service. This borse was bred iu 1S32 to forty sis ui.ires uu 1 produce l furty-tw.i eo ts. fcb 17-im u ir DAv.ia ORDWAA & P0KTER. Robinson Bloch, Hotel 67., helween Fort and Xmmnu, Havc Jvst !<<« i*. i« r 1*1* /uoi V. ‘11 1:i/ oj Ftid tf TUB M31 TE E\tr Jn j to is Crnntry. Ccmj iisit g Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Sots 1 n Soiid Oak* andof Ihe LA TESTDESĪGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENT10 N IS CaLLED T0 ThESE SETS: WICK.BR. WAKE, Bc;int fol iVs gns “f Wiek r W tre, cons.st ng of S0FAS, CHA1RS, I’OCKERS, eto.,y u e.m g t these m nny FINiSH v-> i <lesire. CKAIR.S, Conntless numbers of CHA11>S, iu every style, ii;c'nJing 0FI IcE :inH HiGH CHAIUS. E22TE1TSĪ01T TASLES, fe btivō bud n nm»iber of caiis fur these T ,h!es. witb CHA1KS t» matdi. We ltave now in stock tbn ra'>st BEfUTIFUL DINING RQ0M FURNITURE EVEK SEEN HEKE 3ideboards and -;- Chiffoniers :y DIKTS.-®! ) vanscoTeml w.th P0RTIEKS arc becoraiug qnit- tbe ntge in ■laee of LCrLNGES »v m .nnfacturo ti:ein to c<rder, ann bave a atge stock of P0KTIEKS to sel ct frora. I. BEDDI1TG*. Jre t Assortmei»iofWOTBN WIKE MATTRESSES— Spnng.H;*ir. doss. W..ol nnd Straw Mattres-es ou ii«n t and ro*de tu order. MVE GEF.SE FEATHERS .t d S1LK FLOSS for P.l ows. CKIBS. CKADLES etc. WIND0W SHADES of all colors and s:z s. * C0KnICE P»)!.ES. in wooil or br ss tnraramgs. jlJ X X2n O"Mattresses, Lo.tngcs all L 1 |.hol»tered Fan.itare repaired «t r» asf» rt.A L'ABINET MAKIN'O. in hU its bnuches. by 0 nnpea-* t Work i»ea. MATTINO L.\'D •• d I*>t rlor t. g u .der th« b4ycnf sou ot Mt. UEOKOE ordway. , Our G*mhU re F rst Cl ss. »«d <'or i*r;co5 are tte lowest Como ■»nd be e nvinc* d—a trLl is sl u t**«l. ... [ 5073 TFLtriK»NSS: »* *** » UiiDWAl 4 l*UElEii. It>baiiwu iiioei, Ui««ea i’v»Ui4; BMa»